Juhani Hämäläinen

Small Planet Germany maksukyvytön

7 viestiä aiheessa

Saksan itsenäisesti lentänyt Small Planet on haastettu maksukyvyttömyydestä oikeuteen.

Air Berliinin konkurssin jälkeen kokoaan lähes tuplannut yhtiö kärsi mm myöhästyneistä koneiden luovutuksesta.

Liettuassa päämajaansa pitävä Small Planet Group on kertonut että kaikki saksan yhtiön aikataulutetut lennont lennetään.



Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Juhani Hämäläinen

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The Polish airline of Lithuania’s Small Planet Group has filed for restructuring under Polish law and is seeking an investor, shortly after the group’s German airline filed for insolvency.

On Oct. 8, Small Planet Airlines said its Polish leisure carrier has entered “accelerated arrangement” restructuring proceedings. Accelerated arrangement is an insolvency step under Polish law, aimed at averting bankruptcy.

“The aim of the restructuring is to reduce the number of aircraft, attract additional financial investment and find a sustainable way to continue flight operations. Both legally and operationally, it is an absolutely different procedure from bankruptcy,” a Small Planet Airlines spokesperson told ATW by email on Oct. 9.


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Small Planet Liettua on hakeutunut selvitystilaan Liettuan lain mukaan, mikä näyttäisi antavan suojaa velkojia vastaan. Yhtiö syyttää ongelmistaan Saksan ja Puolan yhtiöitään, joille se oli antanut vakuuksia. Yhtiön mukaan talven lennot toteutuvat suunnitellusti.


Small Planet Airlines (S5, Vilnius) has filed for restructuring under Lithuanian law, blaming its two troubled sister airlines - Small Planet Airlines Germany (5P, Berlin Schönefeld) and Small Planet Airlines Polska (P7, Warsaw Chopin) - for causing financial distress to the whole group.

The leisure specialist said it intended to continue doing business, albeit on a reduced scale during the Winter 2019 season. The restructuring will give Small Planet Airlines more flexibility in dealing with creditors, most of whom have claims originally targeted at the group's Polish and German units. Small Planet Airlines previously issued guarantees and joint liabilities to the suppliers of the other two carriers.

During the restructuring, Small Planet Airlines' fleet will stay at its current size of eight A320-200s. Of these, two will be wet-leased to Small Planet Airlines Cambodia (RD, Phnom Penh), another two to Bamboo Airways (Qui Nhon), while the remaining four will continue to operate in Europe.

The carrier will honour all its existing contracts with tour operators. It said that the restructuring would have no impact on the planned operations during Winter 2019.


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