Marko Tolvanen

Bangkokin uusi kenttä

12 viestiä aiheessa

Tornin korkeudesta ei havaintoa, voi olla thaikuilla jotain näyttämisen tarvetta ja jotain erikoisuuksien hakua.


Kentän valmistuminenhan viivästyy koko ajan. Thaimaalaiseen tapaan pitää ilmoittaa tiukat aikataulut mutta niissä ei kuitenkaan pysytä.


Missään ei ole ollut vielä faktaa siitä mitä tapahtuu nykyiselle Don Muangin kentälle. Bangkok Post joskus kirjoitti kentän jäävän ilmavoimien käyttöön ja sen lisäksi on ollut spekulointia halpalentoyhtiöiden tukikohdaksi tuo Don Muang tai sitten rahtikentäksi. Ja siitäkään ei ole tietoa, että siirtyykö kaikki lentoyhtiöt uudelle kentälle vai ei.


Ainakin Finnairilla on vielä tammikuussa 2006 vanha kenttä ohjelmistossa.

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IATA arvioi Suvarnabhumin olevan käytössä ehkä 2/07.


Sen sijaan Bangkok korottaa tulevan syyskuuna laskeutumismaksuja vaikka uutta kenttää ei edes ole. Korotukset ovat 15-20%.


Korotuksen jälkeen B737:n laskeutuminen Bangkokiin maksaa 603 USD kun sama kone laskeutuu Singaporen Changille 313 USD:llä. Nämä korotukset tulevat tuntumaan eniten LCC:llä joita Bangkokissa on viime aikoina kiitettävästi alkanut näkymään.


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Olisko tornin korkeus "hiukan" korkeampi kuin singaporessa.

Pientä kisaa sielläpäin pitävät noista kentistä.

En nyt lähtenyt etsimään factaa, mutta singaporen kentän torni

on 22 +2 kerrosta. Eli vaikuttas hiukan nyt pienemmältä.


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Suvarnabhumiin saapuivat toissapäivänä ensimmäiset matkustajakoneet.

Operointihan ei ala vasta kun ehkä kesällä tai sykysllä 2006 mutta Thaimaan PM Thaksin saapui lehdistön kera uudelle kentälle. Thaksin tuli Thain 345:llä HS-TLA ja lehdistö perinteikkäämmällä mallilla (744).


Kuvasarja testilennoilta:


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New airport faces partial shutdown


Mistakes, graft found in almost all contracts




Poor construction at Suvarnabhumi may force parts of the new airport to be shut down for repairs. This would open the way for the recently abandoned Don Muang airport to be re-opened to serve Bangkok's air traffic needs.


Deputy Transport Minister Sansern Wongcha-um said yesterday that following a recent report on the problems facing Suvarnabhumi airport, it was likely that part of the new facility would have to be closed and Don Muang airport would pick up the slack.


Some people had suggested the airport, open less than three months, be completely closed for a revamp, with flights being redirected to Don Muang until the improvements are completed, Mr Sansern said. He was opposed to that. Trying to move everything back to Don Muang would cause chaos.


The Council for Democratic Reform _ now the Council for National Security _ asked about the readiness of Suvarnabhumi airport just after the Sept 19 coup, but executives of the Airports of Thailand (AoT) had insisted the airport was ready for the scheduled Sept 28 opening.


Opening the airport before it was completed had inevitably led to problems. If the opening had been delayed to allow work to be finished properly, the airport would have started on a more solid footing.


The new AoT board appointed after the coup has discovered physical and managerial problems at Suvarnabhumi airport.


Board member Yodyiam Theptranont, who heads a sub-panel investigating the problems, said the repairs would take a long time. He could not give a timeframe.


Mr Yodyiam's report to the AoT board outlined a lengthy list of complaints and deficiencies, along with a list of recommendations on fixing the problems.


The report attributed the faults to substandard construction, poor management and manipulation of designs and materials.


The report said the airport's information technology facilities were incomplete and the upper floors of the car park building have no drains, causing rain water to flow into elevator shafts.


Over 1,000 lamps had already burned out and not been replaced.


Mr Yodyiam said AoT lacked an official with direct responsibility for the airport's construction, which had posed an obstacle in getting swift repairs.


Another AoT board member, Tortrakul Yomnak, said many areas need repairs and a partial closure was likely.


Chaisak Angsuwan, director-general of the Civil Aviation Department, said that due to the persistent problems, the department could not issue a permanent licence for Suvarnabhumi airport.


It would, however, extend an interim aerodrome certificate for the airport for another six months in January, he said.


Mr Chaisak said the airport needed to meet all physical and operational requirements before it could be given a permanent certificate.


There were many cracks in the airport's taxiways, some serious and some not, and repairs would be time-consuming, he said. Many operations staff also have no expertise in using their equipment.


Adm Bannawit Kengrian, chairman of the National Legislative Assembly's committee on Suvarnabhumi airport, said his panel had discovered mistakes and irregularities in almost all the airport's contracts. Names of those believed responsible would be announced in two weeks.


Specifications in some contracts had been distorted, he said.


Salaries paid executives of the Novotel Suvarnabhumi Airport Hotel were unusually high. Despite its claimed five-star status, the hotel had plywood doors.


An inexperienced contractor operated transformers that supply power to visiting aircraft and six transformers had burnt out. The cost of digging ditches around the airport was inflated to three billion baht and hiring security guards to five billion baht.


Any contracts where corruption was found would be scrapped, he said

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Thai siirtämässä kotimaan lentojaan takaisin Don Muangille:



THAI going back to the future


National carrier to move all but three of its domestic routes from Suvarnabhumi to old airport to save on operating costs


Thai Airways International is moving all of its domestic routes, except those involving Phuket, Chiang Mai and Khon Kaen, to Don Muang airport once the Cabinet approves its reopening.


The move aims to save on operating costs, which are higher at the new Suvarnabhumi Airport. The flag carrier recently said the move to Suvarnabhumi had added Bt3.7 billion to its annual operating costs.


THAI president Apinan Sumanaseni said yesterday that only flights on three routes would be operated at Suvarnabhumi as they carry a large number of foreign passengers who are taking connecting flights to overseas destinations.


On Thursday, Airports of Thailand's (AOT) board approved in principle the reopening of the old airport following an outcry from low-cost airlines over the higher operating fees.


Budget airlines have complained about the higher costs of using the new international airport, which took over domestic and international flights when it opened on September 28.


Yesterday, AOT informed the Stock Exchange of Thailand that its board had approved reopening the capital's old airport for domestic flights, a move that would reduce operating costs for budget airlines.


Deputy Transport Minister Sansern Wongcha-um said the reopening of Don Muang would relieve AOT from the future investment of Bt1.4 billion for the construction of a low-cost airline terminal.


However, he is unsure whether the move will be permanent. The issue will be forwarded to the Cabinet for approval, possibly next week.


"This should help AOT delay the new investment for four or five years," Sansern said yesterday, adding that the authorities are also addressing the reported cracks on Suvarnabhumi's taxi ways.


AOT said in the statement that if the Cabinet approved the plan, airlines flying non-transit domestic routes would have the option of moving back to Don Muang.


Low-cost carriers including Nok Air and One Two Go have shown interest in moving their operations to Don Muang airport. However, AirAsia wants to move both domestic and international routes back to the old airport.


Apinan said few passengers would be troubled by THAI's intended move. The airline will provide a shuttle-bus service serving the two airports.


He added that THAI would finalise a domestic flight timetable and a comparison of operating costs between the two airports within two weeks.


"Operating costs at the former airport would be cheaper than Suvarnnabhumi Airport. Moreover, Don Muang will be less of a problem for matters such as landing fees, parking fees and ground services, as well as leading to shorter delays. Meanwhile, passengers will also save on travel time and transportation expenditure," said Apinan.


The airline chief also said THAI was proceeding with a plan to set up a new airline, details of which are expected to be completed in six months. The new carrier will operate only domestic routes, using Don Muang airport.


However, investment costs and a formal name have not yet been decided.


"THAI will take a 100-per-cent share in the new airline," Apinan added.


The carrier is will be a full-service airline positioned between low-cost operators and THAI.


THAI will transfer aircraft and facilities to the new airline.

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Joopa joo mielikuva kyseisestä kentästä muuttuu taas. Aikaisemmin se oli tyyliin: Halkeileva, kolkko=betoninen, kylmä/kuumapaikka ja nyt lisänä tämä että tavaroita voipi kadota turvatarkastuksessa. Täytynee olla turvatarkastuksessa tarkkana kuin porkkana parin viikon päästä, luotto rakoilee. Tosin ryöstetyksi voi tulla missä ja milloin tahansa.

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Turisteilta kadonnut tavaroita turvatarkastuksessa (näin siis ainakin väittävät):


Turvatarkastuksissa on varasteltu tavaroita muuallakin, kuuleman mukaan jopa Helsingissä. Yleinen kaava on, että porukassa on kaksi tyyppiä. Nämä menevät tarkastukseen ennen uhria. Eka pääsee "portista" läpi suoraan, mutta toinen jääkin siihen metalliesineineen tulpaksi. Läpivalaisuhihnaa menevät tavarat pääsevät näin ollen läpi ennen niiden omistajaa. Porukan eka tyyppi kerää hihnalta esim. läppärit ja katoaa paikalta sillä aikaa, kun niiden omistaja odottelee vielä vuoroaan.


Ei siis kannattaisi laittaa tavaroita läpivalaisuun hihnalle ennen kuin näkee, että "portti" on vapaa ja siitä pääsee heti läpi.


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Suvarnabhumi saavuttanut viidenneksi parhaan sijan lentokenttien arvostelussa kertoo Bangkok Post sanomalehti nettisivuillaan.


Suvarnabhumi rated 5th best airport


Published: 11/03/2009 at 05:03 PM

Suvarnabhumi airport was rated the world's 5th best airport of 2008 by the Geneva-based Airports Council International (ACI), acting Airports of Thailand president and Suvarnabhumi director Serirat Prasutanond said on Wednesday.


South Korea's Incheon International Airport won the Best Airports Worldwide category for the fourth straight year. Twelve international airports were considered.


The ACI also ranked Suvarnabhumi as the 28th airport for service quality, climbing from the 41st spot in 2007. The ACI conducted a survey on service quality of 108 international airports, involving over 200,000 passengers worldwide.


The top three airports for best quality service were all from Asia - South Korea's Incheon International airport, Singapore's Changi airport and Hong Kong International airport.


Mr Serirat said Suvarnabhumi aims to be in the top 10 of the best airport service quality category this year by improving the venue's atmosphere, cleanliness, facilities, services as well as passenger safety.


Bangkok's international airport can handle more than 40 million passengers annually.

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