Juha Juurikas

Floridassa Boeing 737 jokeen

6 viestiä aiheessa

Kiitotie rakennettu aivan joen penkalle js laskussa luistanut kiitotieltä jokeen. 




Saa roskamedia reviteltäväksi lisää 737 lokaa. Iltapaska on laittanut jo otsikkoon, ja itse jutussakin on ennemmin mainittu Boeing valmistajana ja Trump turman syiden sijaan. 

Nyt jo lomalaiset peruvat lentoja jos liikennöijä käyttää 737-konetyyppiä. Mitähän jatkossa. 

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Aviation Heraldissa hyvää taustatietoa. Huonot kelit, vettä runsaasti ja 16kt takatuultakin jne. Kiitorata päättyy käytännössä jokeen. Pitkäksi meni.

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52 minutes ago, Ville Väisänen said:






Landsberg said the plane recently had been in maintenance, and logs showed a left-hand thrust reverser that was inoperative. Thrust reversers are used to divert thrust from the engine, but they typically aren't used in calculating a plane's performance, Landsberg said. According to a Purdue University College of Engineering description , reverse thrust can be used to help an aircraft come to a stop.

Samassa artikkelissa lisäksi:


Pilots operating a chartered Boeing 737 that slid off a runway into the St. Johns River while landing at Naval Air Station Jacksonville Friday night requested and were granted a last-minute runway change, CBS Jacksonville affiliate WJAX-TV reports. The National Transportation Safety Board said the original plan was for the plane to land to the west, on runway 28. At some point as they approached the area, they asked air traffic controllers to let them switch and land to the east, on runway 10.

The 9,000-foot-long runway where the jetliner landed was essentially limited to 7,800 feet since there was a wire barrier set up to recover Navy aircraft in instances when they couldn't land on a carrier during training, said Bruce Landsberg, vice chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board.


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