Matti Palosuo

Reb Bull Air Race loppuu

1 viesti aiheessa

Red Bull on ilmoittanut Air Racen päättyvän tähän kauteen. Viimeiset kisat ovat kesäkuussa Venäjällä, heinäkuussa Unkarissa ja syyskuussa Japanissa.

Ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 2003 järjestetty kisa ei ole saavuttanut tarpeeksi näkyvyyttä, jotta jatkaminen olisi perusteltua.


Red Bull has decided not to continue the Red Bull Air Race World Championship beyond the 2019 season. The remaining races this year are:  Kazan, Russia, 15-16 June; Lake Balaton, Hungary, 13-14 July and Chiba, Japan, 7-8 September.
There have been more than 90 races since Red Bull Air Race began in 2003. These have given the world’s most exceptional pilots the opportunity to compete in high speed flying at low altitude with extreme maneuvers. The Red Bull Air Race provided sports entertainment of highest quality but did not attract the level of outside interest as many other Red Bull events across the world.
Red Bull thanks the pilots, their teams, partners, the host cities as well as the Red Bull employees for all they have done to make these enjoyable and memorable events.


Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Matti Palosuo

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