Petri Lehtovirta

Kaksi C208:aa lähellä törmäystä Isossa Britanniassa - onnettomuusraportti

1 viesti aiheessa

Iso-Britannian onnettomuustutkintakeskuksen UK AirProx Boardin raportti kahden koneen läheillä törmäystä johtaneesta tilanteesta on opettavainen tarina siitä, kuinka toisen ilma-aluksen sijainnin suhteessa itseensä voi ymmärtää väärin. Tapaus on sattunut huhtikuussa.



Two C208s were operated by the same parachuting company, one parachute dropping and the other pilot training on the day. He noted that the locally based flying school operate flying training and the R/T from the Tower. The AGCS Operator stated that a separate take-off incident at the start of their sortie had caused them concern as to the standard of awareness of the 208 (B)pilot.

Five minutes later, C208(B) was on the descent and reported left-base and then long-final (but later agreed that it was short-final). The C208(A) also turned final and the situation was that one C208 was right on top of the other with both intent on landing. The AGCS Operator realized the situation and called the top aircraft (C208(B)) to go-around.

Both pilots were unaware of the position of the other C208 and, if not told to go around, it was estimated that a collision would have occurred after about 5 seconds.
As a result the upper C208s pilot’s mental model was that there were no other aircraft on final and so they were effectively the first in line to land. When the lower aircraft called again that it was on final approach, the upper pilot interpreted the call to mean this aircraft was behind them.



Koko raportti ladattavissa täältä: Report 2019075.pdf

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Petri Lehtovirta

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