Ilkka Mäkelä

Lentokoneista modifioituja hotelleja eri puolilla maailmaa

2 viestiä aiheessa

Käytöstä poistettujen lentokoneiden rungot ja ohjaamot ovat kelvanneet useisiin erilaisiin hotelliviritelmiin, joista osa on käytössä, osa poistunut. Lähin - ja hienoin - lienee Arlandassa. Mutta kaikkiin seuraaviin mahtuu vähintään pariskunta yöpymään ja osaa välittää airbnb.

1) "Arabian Airbus Nights", entinen Etihadin A319, sahattu kahteen osaan, Wales

2) Grumman bisnesjetti, Nantes, Ranska

3) Cockpit Cottage, Costa Rica, MD-80:n ohjaamo

4) "The Flying Dutchman", Colombia, hollantilainen turboprop, ehkä F27

5) Sea King helikopteri, Skotlanti

6) Jumbo Stay, Arlanda, B-747

7) Vliegtuigsuite, Teuge, Hollanti, Ilyushin IL-18

8) Bristol rahtikone, Waitomo, Uusi-Seelanti

9) Lynx helikopteri, Suffolk, Englanti

10) An-2, perheen "lentävä kesämökki", viimeksi nähty Siljan Airparkissa,

Jokaisen kohdalla artikkelissa on linkki, josta löytynee lisätietoja ja ehkä hinnatkin.

Aika ei ole otollinen kierrellä näitä henkilökohtaisesti läpi tällä hetkellä, mutta ehkä jonain vuonna...



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Arlandan Jumbo Stay-hotelli on hakeutunut konkurssiin ja sulkenut ovensa viikko sitten.


The hotel is housed in a Boeing 747-200 (which was produced in 1976, and flew for Singapore Airlines), and features a total of 76 beds, spread across 33 rooms. Some rooms are hostel-style, with up to four beds each, while some have private accommodations, like Jumbo Stay’s famous cockpit suite.

For those who have been considering a stay here, there’s some bad news, unfortunately — Jumbo Stay has closed as of March 17, 2025, after having filed for bankruptcy, and has no plans to reopen. The hotel has had to cancel 800 upcoming reservations. How sad, especially given that it has been in operation for over 15 years.

So, why did Jumbo Stay suddenly close? Unfortunately revenue at the property decreased considerably over the years, from eight million SEK in 2019 (~793K USD), to four million SEK in 2023 (~396K USD). This is due to two factors, per the hotel’s owner:

  • Increased competition, due to more hotels opening around the airport
  • Loss of advertising rights at its location; according to the hotel’s founder and operator, “until five years ago, we could sell advertising space where the jumbo jet stands, then Swedavia took over the advertising sales”

While an attempt is being made to find a buyer, that seems like a challenge, given the financial situation. The other issue is that airport operator Swedavia has announced that it won’t lease the land to another operator, which makes any sort of a sale even more challenging.

If no progress is made, the plane is expected to be dismantled and sold for parts (which would basically just be scrap value of aluminum).

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