Tuomas Kuosmanen


2 viestiä aiheessa



Oliko jollain vähän infoa siitä miten se fotopohjan teko meni? Millä softilla, oliko jossain tutoriaalia aiheesta? Alkoi kiinnostamaan kun se Jannen ottama ja tekemä maastokuva lahdesta oli melkoisen hyvän näköinen.




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Jos tarkoitat "oikeaa" fotopohjaa, eli ei vain EFHK-tyyppistä fototekstuuria, olen kirjoittanut pienen tutoriaalin aiheesta. Tarvittavat softat ovat FS2004 Terrain SDK (resample.exe) ja FS Terrain Calc.


Here's the exact procedure to make the photoreal ground textures:


1. Get FS Terrain Calc from Jari Kaskelin and the new Resample.exe from Custom Terrain Textures SDK.


2. Create your aerial photo.


3. Use FS Terrain Calc to create the inf file.


4. Throw away the BAT-file created by FSTC! The new resampler doesn't need it or any tmf tools. Insted use the command "resample file.inf". (If the textures created aren't in DXT1 format, use imagetool to convert).


5. Open up FS, check if the picture is in right place. If not, adjust the offset values in FSTC and compile again. Otherwise move to phase 6.


6. Open the texture files (something like 011213030121121Su.bmp) and create a single, new picture from them (do not resize them, just attach them together!).


7. The resampler softens the image too much, cut'n paste the original picture to the newly created picture (with black borders) and resize the original picture to fit exactly. You'll have to make it a bit shorter in vertical direction.


8. Do any editing you want with the new picture; For example, fill the black borders with default texture to make the transition from default to your picture smoother.


9. Split your image into 256x256 bmps, convert them to DXT1 and rename back to the original names (like 011213030121121Su.bmp etc., compare them so that you'll get them right).


10. When the textures are finished, use autogen annotator. Remeber to set the properties in the File -> Properties -> Vegetation.


Using this method you don't have to use that resampler all the time. Once you get the picture in place you can just edit the composed picture and split it into pieces. Creating custom terrain textures might seem a bit complex the first time, but soon you'll get the routine.


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