Sami Puro

A26 Invader yksimoottorilasku @ EFHK

6 viestiä aiheessa

Lähes reaaliaikainen tilannekuva pelaa ;D. Olipas hyvät kuvat koskisen Harri taas napsinut! Piti lähteä kentälle kuvaamaan, mutta päivä meni hieroessa CH:n tuotteita :P.


Onkohan tolla Invaderilla ollut enemmänkin moottorihuolia....? Meinaan nääs, että loppuuko kohta lennot ja kone pistetään johonkin museoon ::).



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"Tänään" on mahdollisesti mennyt eräs toinen A-26 Invader alas nousun jälkeen Yhdysvalloissa.

En ole vielä löytänyt uutisia vahvistamaan asiaa, mutta foorumeita lukiessa iski silmään eräs aihe, aika surullisissa merkeissä:



Went to an Airshow here today in Claremore, Oklahoma. Was hot as hell but when you have a six year old Son...Hot doesn't matter. The Airshow was a bit of a rip off, with the exception of a A10 Wart Hog and a Beautiful A26 Invader.


Like a Moth drawn to a flame I was attracted to the A26 Invader.. It was sweet. They let me and Jake sit in the cockpit..I in the Pilots seat, Jake to my right... I explained all the dials and gear shifts to him...what they all did and their purpose... felt so great to be in such a great plane with my Son... I felt like I was the perfect Father explaining all and seeing his eyes wide open in wonder how I knew all of this...heh...


We got out and I had time talking with the Pilot, Doug Martin, it was great. Talked about flight Sims, Airwarriors and Aces High. Talked how the A26 looked like an A20 from a distance and we both laffed at it. He told me the history of the Lady....Minutes seemed like hours... He gave me his card, corrected the addy on it and we shook hands. The A26 was the "Lady Liberty" website can be found here: .


Well my Son and I waited and waited... seen a nice A10 Wart Hog demo... did I mentioned that it was HOT? 104 in the shade, shade was found under wings... Well they towed the A26 out as we were leaving...dam I wanted to see her fly really bad.


30 minutes into the way home, I hear on the radio. "We have an accident at the Claremore Airshow...An A26 WWII aircraft crashed on apparently rolled and hit the ground inverted, upsidedown... No details on the Pilot..."


Stunned and Numb we made it home. Jake asked me one time "Dad what does that mean?"...Lump in my throat, I said it's all okay.


Got home and called, checked website...Son knows now something happened.


In a matter of changes.


Prayers to Doug Martin and Family.



Kuulostaapi surulliselta, pitää katsoa että miten asianlaita oikeasti on, tosin en usko näin räikeän valheenkaan olevan kyseessä.


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Ehkä en osaa kunnolla etsiä, mutta Claremoren paikallisuutiset kertovat lyhyesti:


Saturday, July 23, crash at Wings over Oklahoma airshow at Claremore Regional Airport


"His biplane flipped over on the runway", sanoi paikallinen pelastustyöntekijä. "Biplane" viittaisi kaksitasoon eikä A26:een, mutta erehdyksen mahdollisuuksiahan on.


Toisaalta, Wings over Oklahoma-saitilla esitetään surunvalitteluja Rodger Modglinin perheelle. Modglin on näytöksen sivuilla Jak-52-koneensa kanssa kuvassa.


jonka alapuolella nettisurunvalitteluja.


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Juu, alkaisi vaikuttamaan että se olisi tämä Yak joka olisi mennyt alas kyseissä näytöksessä.


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Tällaisen uutisen löysin ja siinä puhutaan yksimoottorikoneesta.


Air Show Crash

A weekend crash at the Wings Over Oklahoma Airshow in Claremore proves deadly for an Owasso pilot. 55-year-old Rodger Modglin died yesterday at a Tulsa hospital. It appears his single engine aircraft stalled during a performance Saturday afternooon.




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