Risto Partanen

Bert Grijmans (TFF555) Memorial Fly-in Schiphol (EHAM) 29.11.2009, 1700UTC

10 viestiä aiheessa



Tässä nyt tonne memorial-flaikkariin virallinen ilmoitus! Mikäli ette Bertiä halua muistella niin lentämään suosittelen joka tapauksessa, koneita tulee olemaan liikenteessä paljon!! Välille EFHK-EHAM tulee koneita myös X-määrä ja paikkja käydään täyttämään, joten mikäli piuhan päässä roikkuminen kiinnostaa niin kehoitan varaamaan posarin asap! Ryhmälentopuussa ihmiset suunnittelee matkaa kyseiseen tapahtumaan.


Dear members,


He was always clearly Bert. His voice famous. His friendliness widely praised.

Unfortunately, our TFF555, the gentleman pilot, Bert Grijmans left us on

November 16.


As many of you we have good memories of the Triple Five.

Both in the Virtual as in Real Life we had the pleasure of meeting him.


We are proud to have had Bert spent his last years, day in and day out, within

our community. Everyone within our community will get the opportunity to

show their respect and honour to this IVAO icon.


On November 29, from 17.00 UTC 22.00 UTC there will be a Memorial Fly-in on

Amsterdam Schiphol (EHAM)


We ask everyone’s cooperation for this event and hope to welcome many pilots

to his homebase.


On the part of ATC there will be a select Group of people attending that evening.


Pilots from all over the World are welcome. There are a lot of divisions that will

participate in this event. We kindly request your special attentions to the airports

from which Bert flew over the last period:

•   Bergen Flesland (ENBR).

•   Billund (EKBI).

•   Budapest (LHBP).

•   Copenhagen Kastrup (EKCH).

•   Geneva (LSGG).

•   Helsinki Vantaa (EFHK).

•   Innsbruck (LOWI).

•   Istanbul Ataturk (LTBA).

•   Prague Ruzyne (LKPR).

•   Stockholm Arlanda (ESSA).

•   Tromso Langes (ENTC).

•   Vienna (LOWW).


There is a possibility the landing will be made on the 18R. Be sure you have the

correct scenery for your approach. Charts of EHAM can be found via http://nl.ivao.aero.

On top of the page you will find the NL FIR information. Take care you are acquainted

with the charts, procedures, and NOTAMs.


Between 21.00 UTC and 22.00 UTC there will be an Honour Guard formed around the

Fox Niner stand. Also there will be a 2 minute silence held, at the airport, and that will

be closed by a fly-by in the Missing Man formation.


You are invited to plan your arrival before 21.00 UTC. After this time the chances are

that you will be required to circle in a holding position or that you will be directed to

another airport.


It is possible due to the timeframe you'll stand too long on the airport and your hours

are not counted for this day. We assume however that due to the nature of this event

this will not be a problem.

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Respect! :(


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Itse en lennä, kuin Virtual Finnairin lentoja. Tänään olisi ollut menoa vain Dubaihin :thmbdn: Mukava nähdä näin paljon kunnioitusta ko. lentäjää kohtaan. No more virtual sky, only real heaven... RIP.


T: Mika

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Todella älytön ja säälittävä kommentti vainajasta!  :thmbdn:

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Muistakaa kuitenkin, että kaikilla on oikeus omaan mielipiteeseen ja turha siitä on vetää herneitä nenään.


Kyllä kaikilla on oikeus omaan mielipiteeseen, mutta kunnioitusta tulisi kuitenkin olla vainajia kohtaan.

Ja herneitä en nenääni vetänyt, sanoin vain oman mielipiteeni kommentista; onhan minulla siihen oikeus.

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