Henri Juhantila

PMDG B777: Let the previews begin!

763 viestiä aiheessa

Pientä previkkaa 300-sarjalaisesta  :P


Olikos tossa muuta kuin datalink vilahti loppuvaiheessa ja ilmeisesti toi on -300:n ominaisuus, että ENG-sivun tiedot saa näkymään ylemmälle näytölle?

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Pientä previkkaa 300-sarjalaisesta  :P


Olikos tossa muuta kuin datalink vilahti loppuvaiheessa ja ilmeisesti toi on -300:n ominaisuus, että ENG-sivun tiedot saa näkymään ylemmälle näytölle?

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http://forum.avsim.net/topic/446112-09jul14-release-planning-for-pmdg-777-200lrf-sp1-300er/ :)




As Johnny Carson used to say, ".....aaaaaaaand we're back!"


I am officially back to work as of this past Monday- and it has taken a few days to get caught up on the administrivia of PMDG so that I could get back to all of you with some updates on the release plan for the SP1 and 300ER.


We anticipate building the RTM (Release To Market) version of the PMDG 777-200LR/F SP1 and the PMDG 777-300ER Expansion Package during the next 24-36hrs.


We will then push those to our testers- and give them a few days to make certain we haven't broken anything in our last round of fixes and tweaks- and then we will push them out to you!


The window for release is looking like 15JUL14-18JUL14 if all goes according to plan.

I will publish a master change list for you shortly- as I have to compile it from the hundreds of sub-versions that we have built during the SP1 phase.


Just a reminder:  the SP1 update is completely free for all licensed customers.


The 300ER is a for-purchase expansion (similar to how we did the 600/700 NGX) and we will set pricing shortly...


Thank you for your patience - the past couple of weeks have actually served the product well.  While I was out of circulation for the better part of 3 weeks, the rest of the team was working and they added lots of polish and cleanup to the bird.

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http://forum.avsim.net/topic/446112-09jul14-release-planning-for-pmdg-777-200lrf-sp1-300er/ :)




As Johnny Carson used to say, ".....aaaaaaaand we're back!"


I am officially back to work as of this past Monday- and it has taken a few days to get caught up on the administrivia of PMDG so that I could get back to all of you with some updates on the release plan for the SP1 and 300ER.


We anticipate building the RTM (Release To Market) version of the PMDG 777-200LR/F SP1 and the PMDG 777-300ER Expansion Package during the next 24-36hrs.


We will then push those to our testers- and give them a few days to make certain we haven't broken anything in our last round of fixes and tweaks- and then we will push them out to you!


The window for release is looking like 15JUL14-18JUL14 if all goes according to plan.

I will publish a master change list for you shortly- as I have to compile it from the hundreds of sub-versions that we have built during the SP1 phase.


Just a reminder:  the SP1 update is completely free for all licensed customers.


The 300ER is a for-purchase expansion (similar to how we did the 600/700 NGX) and we will set pricing shortly...


Thank you for your patience - the past couple of weeks have actually served the product well.  While I was out of circulation for the better part of 3 weeks, the rest of the team was working and they added lots of polish and cleanup to the bird.

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Jesh :thmbup: Aihetta vähän sivuten, oliko muuten NGX:ään tulossa tälläistä SP:tä tjsp, missä tulee säätutka yms?


Kyllä tietääkseni. Ainakin tämä Ground Operations tulee seuraavssa SP:ssä. Luulisi että laittavat muutkin herkut matkaan :).

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