Magnus Gustafsson

[VATSIM 04.04.2013 1700Z-2000Z] Helsinki In Sight + Student 3 CPT

4 viestiä aiheessa

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This event will be taking place every second Thursday from 17-20z. You can expect great ATC coverage at Helsinki-Vantaa, and EFES_CTR will provide enroute ATC services in and out of Helsinki.


We are looking forward to welcome you to the major airport of Finland. What is in it for you as pilot? A fun night with lots of traffic and busy frequencies, and you are contributing to getting some action back to the finnish airspace, which means: yet another great airport you can fly from and to and in the future!


See you on Thursday!


At same time, Jouka Ahponen will handle EFHK_APP in an effort to convince examiner that his knowledge is sufficient to pass the CPT!



Scenery (freeware):

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Varmaan eri päivä kuitenkin? Tänään? Moneltako?  Nyt? 20:00Z asti? ???




Juu tällä hetkellä on menossa 20Z asti. EFES, APP ja TWR on auki. Tervetuloa vaan!  :thmbup:

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