Guest Lauri FIN918

[05 DEC | 18z - 23z] The Annual Rovaniemi X-Mas Fly-In

5 viestiä aiheessa


The Annual Rovaniemi X-Mas Fly-In | Saturday December 5th 1800z - 2300z


IVAO Nordic Region is proud to announce the Annual Rovaniemi X-Mas Fly-In. EFRO Rovaniemi airport, Santa's official airport, is the place to be on December 5th,

as a massive amount of flights from all over the world will arrive here on that evening.


Our excellent Nordic controllers, who have received extra training just for this event,

are looking forward to guiding all this incoming traffic in a safe and professional manner to Rovaniemi.


Pilots are expected to read to pilot briefing, have their Airac updated and charts on board.

And since we expect a lot of traffic, make sure to bring some additional ho-ho-holding fuel!


We look forward to seeing you in the Nordic skies!





Click here

















Pilot briefing: Click here


ATC roster: Click here


ATC briefing: Click here



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Tänä vuonna Nordic Regionin alueella avataan yhteensä noin 18 eri positiota! :thmbup: Tämän lisäksi Virossa sekä Venäjällä avataan aluelennonjohtoja.

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Hmm..... testailuako?


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Suomessakin tapahtuu :thmbup:


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Joku uusista kavereista innokkaana oppimassa uutta :thmbup:.


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