Mikael Leinonen

TFDi:ltä uutta lisäriä luvassa, MD-11

86 viestiä aiheessa

Pientä päivitystä siihen missä mennään


I wanted to touch base. We anticipated reaching feature complete tomorrow, but it's seemingly more likely to be later this week. As of right now, however, I am glad to report that a huge update with most of the remaining outstanding items was just sent to QA.

Our plan is to do an in-depth video detailing the aircraft and its many changes since earlier videos and discuss what the road to release looks like shortly after we reach Feature Complete.

Since the last update, we've:
- Added PW engines
- Added ACARS (TELEX) and CPDLC 
- Seemingly fixed the freezing and crashing issue (fingers crossed, but so far, reports have been overwhelmingly positive)
- Added SimBrief Import
- Added Deflect Ailerons as an option

At this point, we only have a few key items left to add:
- A few minor MCDU pages/functions
- Step climbs
- Remaining G/A mode code (some already exists)
- Polar navigation mode (a relatively minor feature)
- Performance calculator (for which the data has already been created and a UI laid out - it's simply refining and connecting them now)

As always, a delay is not what we aim for, but I'm very happy with the progress. As a final little tidbit, here's a screenshot of a working in-sim PW powered TFDi Design MD-11!

Be sure to check the current status of the aircraft at https://md11.tfdidesign.com

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Mikael Leinonen

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Edistystä tapahtuu :cool:

Hello all,

I am pleased to say that we have officially published the first rough version of the feature complete build of the MD-11 to QA. We've now added the EFB performance calculations, some of the more minor details on the displays, step climbs, and the less common but still helpful features.

**What does this mean?**
We now spend the next several  weeks focusing full-time efforts on bug fixing. Between the entire team, we're confident we can close out the _majority_ of the bugs in that time. 

**Does this mean every tiny little feature is done?**
Likely not. It means that, from this point, OUR to-do list based on our documentation and review of resources is complete. From here on out, we're focusing solely on the items in the md11-bugs repository as our to-do list.

**Are we going to fix all {insert number} of bugs before release?**
No. Releasing software with 0 bugs is impossible. The only difference between the MD-11 and other major software releases (both FS and non-FS) is that we have disclosed our known issues list. We will use our combined knowledge, experience, and feedback from the Collector's Edition to triage and resolve issues in the order that they matter most. 

**What's next?**
The next phase for the project is delivery to all customers. One week before public release, we will stop offering the presale and those early supporters will get to preload the product to save download time on launch day. We will discuss release strategy (exact day/time, marketplace, etc.) as we get closer.

**What about the Extended Simulation package (failures, etc.)?**
This will come as an update later this year, along with a slew of other post-release fixes and enhancements. We want to make the base product properly then focus on expansions.

Thank you all for your continued patience and we look forward to working toward the day we've all been waiting for.

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Mikael Leinonen

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Noniin, alkaa tapahtua :cool:


This is the announcement you've been waiting for.

The MD-11 will be available for public download on July 2nd 2024.

Preorders will be stopped at the end of the Flight Sim Expo 

@MD-11 Presale Edition Customer will be able to preload early next week and on release there will likely be a small patch to activate the aircraft.


I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and if you're in vegas come and see us!

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Mikael Leinonen

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It is my utmost pleasure to announce to you all today that we have just began the preloads of the TFDi Design MD-11. To download your aircraft you will need to go into your Client Area and download our MD-11 Installer from your ‘Active Products and Services’  tab. All that is left to do then is set the download running!

I would like to acknowledge that we are a day late on the Preloads, this was due to some last minute tweaking and QA that needed to be done before we could be 100% happy to ship the build. This will NOT effect the release date of July 2nd.

**Can I fly it today?**

No, this is just the preload phase, on July 2nd a small update will be released that will activate your aircraft and allow you to take it into the skies! To obtain the update, simply run the installer again and it will automatically check for updates.

Collectors Edition already have access to this update, and will continue to receive updates early to help us with the testing and evaluation process.

**What happens on July 2nd?**

On July 2nd there will be a small update for the MD-11 Presale customers that will allow them to activate the aircraft and fly it!

If you have not purchased the presale then July 2nd will be like any product release day, once the aircraft is out you will be able purchase and download the aircraft. 

**What happens after July 2nd?**

Once the aircraft is released, the work does not stop. We will continue to tweak and update the MD-11, the Pratt and Whitney engines will come shortly after the 2nd. We are estimating to have the Extended Simulation complete and released by the end of this year. However , as always, we will not rush it out to meet an arbitrary deadline.

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Mikael Leinonen

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Piti valita 777 ja MD11 välillä…. Odottelen tässä, jotta pääsisi Long Beachin ihmettä kokeilemaan.

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41 minuuttia sitten, Tatu Kantomaa kirjoitti:

Piti valita 777 ja MD11 välillä…. Odottelen tässä, jotta pääsisi Long Beachin ihmettä kokeilemaan.

Joko olet uutta MD11 Martinairin väreissä odottamassa.

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8 minuuttia sitten, Pekka Vuori kirjoitti:

Joko olet uutta MD11 Martinairin väreissä odottamassa.

Ei näytä siltä, että olisi vielä julkaistu. Valmistelen tässä MD82 lentoa Las Vegasista Long Beachiin odotellessa... ;D

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# The TFDi Design MD-11 is now available!

A few moments ago, we pushed the update to the MD-11 that will activate it for all of our Presale customers and the aircraft is **now available for purchase**! After four and a half years of development, the team is proud to announce that the TFDi Design MD-11 is now available.

**How much will it cost?**
The pricing structure of the MD-11 will follow an a-la-carte system allowing you to purchase exactly what you want.

The base package will either be the Passenger or the Freighter and will be $69.99. 
The expansion package (the variant you have not purchased already) will be $9.99.
The Extended Simulations package will be $4.99 (this is coming at a later date).

**What happens next?**
Work will continue on the MD-11 to squash any bugs that arise after release, we will also be working to bring the Pratt and Whitney engines to the sim as soon as possible. We will also be working on the Extended Simulation package which will add failures and give you an even greater depth of MD-11 simulation. 

**Where can I download liveries and the Paint Kit:**
All of our official liveries and our Paint Kit can be downloaded from the Downloads section of the website.

Thank you for all of your support on this project - we wish you many happy flights in the TFDi Design MD-11!

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Joo, näyttäisi olevan aika tukossa, ainakin tunnin jonotusaika luvassa. Ajan kanssa helpottaa:cool:

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Mikael Leinonen

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Vielä aamullakin aika hissukseen latasi, mutta tuli sentään kone perille.

Vielä kun keksisi, miten TCA throttlen voi asetella siten, että reverse jne. toimii. :-\

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6 tuntia sitten, Tatu Kantomaa kirjoitti:

Olen värkkäillyt Santa's express maalausta. Hankala tuo joulupukin kuva.... :P

On siisti maalaus. Itellä on tulossa uudemman liveryn pukkiversio jossain vaiheessa, siinäkin voi olla hiukan puuhasteltavaa...

E: Sulla on muuten sama moka käynyt kuin itellä, paintikitissä on pyrstölle vielä lisää tasoja lialle ja paneelirajoille sun muille yksityiskohdille. Ne kantsii vielä pistää näkyviin. Koko paintkitti on tässä koneessa kyllä huonoin ja sekavin mitä on missään tähän saakka tullut vastaan...

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Viljami Rauhala
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41 minuuttia sitten, Viljami Rauhala kirjoitti:

On siisti maalaus. Itellä on tulossa uudemman liveryn pukkiversio jossain vaiheessa, siinäkin voi olla hiukan puuhasteltavaa...

E: Sulla on muuten sama moka käynyt kuin itellä, paintikitissä on pyrstölle vielä lisää tasoja lialle ja paneelirajoille sun muille yksityiskohdille. Ne kantsii vielä pistää näkyviin. Koko paintkitti on tässä koneessa kyllä huonoin ja sekavin mitä on missään tähän saakka tullut vastaan...

"Likataso" on pudotettu 70%, koska se on jotenkin vähän liian likainen 90-luvun uudehkolle koneelle. Mutta tarkistan löytyykö pyrstöstä jotain.

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Tatu Kantomaa
Ahha!! Kiitos Viljami, löytyi!! Tosin en laita kyllä 100% näitäkään "likatasoja"...

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Tämä vanhin paintti syntyy tässä samalla. Muumeista en ole löytänyt vielä sopivaa referenssiä, että sen saisi tehtyä.


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Tätä muumimaalausta tarkoitin, olisiko ollut ensimmäinen laatuaan Finnairilla. (Minusta se ihan eka Muumi-DC-10 oli samanlainen)

No nyt näitä vanhoja paintteja olisi kolme, vähän ehkä hienosäätöä vielä.Screenshot-(1349).thumb.jpg.28f8eaeb49ec1d57bf8a9153d51b5b4f.jpg

Mitä tulee itse koneeseen, niin kivasti lentää ja minusta muutenkin hyvin toimii järjestelmät. Muutamia kummallisia juttuja on ohjaamossa, en ihan ymmärrä, miten ne ovat menneet läpi testauksessa.... kuten esim. joidenkin nappuloiden äänet ovat aivan liian isolla, trimmi-kytkin ehkä pahin. (En tarkoita sitä "Stabilizer moving" ääntä)
Joidenkin kytkimien toiminto hiiren rullalla on minusta väärinpäin, tai toisaalta niitä voisi pystyä myös klikkaamaan. Nämä nyt on pientä, ehkäpä korjauksia tulee.


Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Tatu Kantomaa
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