Mikael Leinonen

TFDi:ltä uutta lisäriä luvassa, MD-11

88 viestiä aiheessa

No johan on monta päivitystä eri lisureista....

Tämäkin päivitetty versioon

Change Log

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Tatu Kantomaa
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Päivitetty versioon 1.0.10

1.0.10 (03 August 2024)

  • FIXED - Wrong VOR course appearing under some conditions
  • FIXED - MISC SD erroneously prompting for second page
  • FIXED - Erroneous next page option on MCDU MENU page
  • FIXED - Incorrect STAB TRIM visual behavior after landing
  • FIXED - Blank MCDU after using duplicate waypoint on DEFINED WPT page
  • FIXED - Inability to use aircraft as an addon package in P3D
  • FIXED - Flaps not being properly reported to tracking applications
  • FIXED - Broken states in hangar view/cinematic previews
  • CHANGED - Aircraft now automatically falls back to legacy rendering engine when PDK2D2D is removed
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Päivitetty eilen.

1.0.11 (12 August 2024)

  • FIXED - Excessive flap drag on mid-range flap settings
  • FIXED - Forced maximum autobrake
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Uusi päivitys tähän.

1.0.19 (30 August 2024)

  • ➕ ADDED - Weather radar functionality (MSFS-native and Active Sky for P3D)
  • ➕ ADDED - Terrain radar functionality (MSFS only)
  • ➕ ADDED - WXR test pattern behavior (both sims)
  • ➕ ADDED - TERR test pattern behavior (both sims)
  • ➕ ADDED - Export variables for fuel readout displays
  • ➕ ADDED - Default altimeter not reflecting in-aircraft setting
  • ➕ ADDED - Altimeter variable exports
  • ➕ ADDED - RemoteCDU support
  • 🔧 FIXED - Pax load selector being allowed to select invalid numbers
  • 🔧 FIXED - Engine ignition does not turn off after shutdown
  • 🔧 FIXED - CPDLC not accepting digits in station name
  • 🔧 FIXED - RETRACT SPD BRK appearing during derotation
  • 🔧 FIXED - NEXT WPT on LAT REV not working properly
  • 🔧 FIXED - Excessive flap drag
  • 🔧 FIXED - SEC PROGRESS title appearing incorrectly
  • 🔧 FIXED - V1 showing in white erroneously
  • 🔧 FIXED - PFD FMS SPD mismatch on ground
  • 🔧 FIXED - Activating PROF does not activate FMS SPD
  • 🔧 FIXED - Pushing/pulling the HDG knob deselecting PROF
  • 🔧 FIXED - VORDMEs being displayed as DMEs
  • 🔧 FIXED - AUTOLAND status not resetting after landing
  • 🔧 FIXED - WXR button mechanical behavior
  • 🔧 FIXED - GPU sound origin (MSFS)
  • 🔧 FIXED - Flap sound (MSFS)
  • 🔧 FIXED - APU sound (MSFS)
  • 🔧 FIXED - Thrust reverser sounds not properly transitioning (MSFS)
  • 🔧 FIXED - TCAS showing too much traffic in N mode
  • 🔧 FIXED - Some cockpit ambience sounds are now only audible in the cockpit (MSFS)
  • ✏️ CHANGED - Seatbelt sign and no smoking sign now write to the default simulator values


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1 tunti sitten, Joona Väisänen kirjoitti:

Msfs:stä kannattaa warning sounds laittaa 30, jos ei halua menettää tärykalvojaan.

Aah...hyvä. Mietinkin, että mites Betty nyt niin innostui. Mulla hävis simun asetukset tässä joku aika sitten, niin ajattelin sen johtuvan siitä. Pitää säätää.

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The sound update is out! Official changelog and preview video below.

## 1.0.23 (25 October 2024)
➕ ADDED - New interior sound packs (GE/PW) (MSFS)
➕ ADDED - Cabin packs sound (MSFS)
🔧 FIXED - Interior engine sound location (MSFS)
🔧 FIXED - Interior engine sound volume (MSFS)
🔧 FIXED - Re-recorded/re-balanced interior audio files (MSFS)
🔧 FIXED - Gear sound (MSFS)
🔧 FIXED - Ground roll sounds (MSFS)
🔧 FIXED - Packs sound starting instantly (MSFS)
🔧 FIXED - Flap sound (MSFS)
🔧 FIXED - Reverser sounds (MSFS)
🔧 FIXED - Legacy rendering causing the radios to be rendered wrong (P3D)
✏️ CHANGED - Localized all switches, buttons, levers, and misc interactives to the flight deck (MSFS)
✏️ CHANGED - Reduced volume of all interactive sounds (switches, buttons, etc)


Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Mikael Leinonen

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Päivitys julkaistu

We are happy to announce TFDi Design MD-11 version 1.0.28 is now available! Thank you to <@&1047623590922682379> and <@&1164952638304026644> for their help in finding issues, testing, and guiding this release. We all think you'll like it.

The changelog:
## 1.0.28 (14 November 2024)
- ➕ **ADDED** - CHECK DATA BASE CYCLE message logic
- ➕ **ADDED** - New economy cruise tables
- ➕ **ADDED** - Dynamic VMO/MMO behavior based on altitude and tip fuel quantity
- ➕ **ADDED** - Startup simulation to MCDU
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Incorrect MAX ALT data at high mach speeds
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Aircraft exiting HOLD into HDG MODE after one loop
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Alignment of SD and EAD outlines
- 🔧 **FIXED** - OPT/MAX FL not updating properly
- 🔧 **FIXED** - OPT/MAX FL not resetting
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Standby altimeter jumpiness
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Selection of SID/STAR on SEC FPLN
- 🔧 **FIXED** - CHECK/CONFIRM VSPDS on flight reset
- 🔧 **FIXED** - ALTN LEGS not including original destination
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Enable alternate behavior not working on LAT REV
- 🔧 **FIXED** - New destination not working on SEC FPLN
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Enable alternate behavior not working on SEC FPLN
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Alternate cruise altitude behavior via LAT REV
- 🔧 **FIXED** - LAT arrows missing on MCDU
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Various alignment issues on POS REF page
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Missing PERF FACTOR value on A/C STATUS
- 🔧 **FIXED** - RETURN TO VERT REV not working on RTA PROGRESS page
- 🔧 **FIXED** - G/S warning inhibit never resetting
- 🔧 **FIXED** - PFD value flag behavior during IRU alignment
- 🔧 **FIXED** - GPWS callouts playing on the ground
- 🔧 **FIXED** - TCAS showing wrong sign for altitude separation
- 🔧 **FIXED** - All spoilers moving at identical rate
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Font size issue for ballast and total fuel
- 🔧 **FIXED** - MCDU not blanking often enough
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Overhead fuel displays not powering off when power is lost
- 🔧 **FIXED** - AUTOPILOT alert not always playing when power is connected
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Shutting down engine 2 stopping APU
- 🔧 **FIXED** - SEC FPLN state on reset
- 🔧 **FIXED** - ALTN fuel entry not properly converting units
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Extra fuel always displaying in pounds
- 🔧 **FIXED** - WXR/TERR missing in VOR and APPR mode
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Alignment of A/C STATUS page
- ✏️ **CHANGED** - FCC (and FCP readouts) now take a few seconds to power on
- ✏️ **CHANGED** - Radios and fuel displays now take a few seconds to power on

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Mikael Leinonen
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As 2024 draws to a close we will take this opportunity to look back on the development cycle, the current state of our projects and what we will be aiming for in 2025.


2024 was a big year for the MD-11, the first half of the year saw us test and tweak the build with the help of our Quality Assurance team and the Collector's Edition. During this time, many features of the MD-11 were refined and polished to a state that meant we were happy to announce, on stage at FSExpo, that the MD-11 would release in July. After a successful release we turned our attention to fixing the bug reports that were coming in from our users. With the help of select members of the Collector's Edition, we devised a system where bugs could be differentiated from quirks of the MD-11. The phrase ‘a McDingle Moment’ was coined to describe something so quirky it seems like a bug but is really a feature!

Progress has been made on the FADEC for both the GE and PW engine variants by Giorgio. We believe that we are closer than ever to finding the sweet spot in the engine tuning that will resolve some of the bugs and get us into a position to release the PW engines in early 2025. In our October Dev-Update we mentioned the work that has been going on regarding the ILS/LOC/autoland performance. The update with these fixes is currently in the hands of Collector's Edition and we hope to have this published with any tweaking required as soon as possible. 

We have already had one major update to the Art of the MD-11, and our team are currently working on another re-work of the exterior model and textures. We believe that these will allow the MD-11 to shine in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, and in FS24. It is not only the Artwork that is getting the love and attention, Tyler of Echo-19 has been continuously tweaking the sound package with the help of feedback from the users and the MD-11 Pilots we have on the team.

It remains our firm intention to bring the MD-11 to FS24, however this will be done after we get to the end of our ‘must fix’ bugs as put forward by our QA team. We are unsure if FS24 compatibility will come as a free update, or as part of a paid upgrade, the amount of work required to have the aircraft fully functional in FS24 will determine this.


In line with our extended smartCARS 2 sunset plan, smartCARS 2 will be shut down for good on January 6th.It is bittersweet to say goodbye to smartCARS 2 after over 10 years, but it is to make room for its more capable successor.


2024 has been an important year for smartCARS 3, towards the end of 2023 we released smartCARS Pro to the public. This lets pilots not flying with a Virtual Airline use smartCARS 3 to log their fights, which are then backed up on our servers, as well as making use of features such as the smartCARS mobile experience. In 2024, we expanded the feature suite of smartCARS Pro to include features like Airline Schedules for those who want to fly airline routes but not fly for a Virtual Airline.

Keeping with our support for Virtual Airlines, in 2024 we partnered with Taylor Broad to bring his phpVMS 7 API and knowledge to smartCARS by releasing his API as our default option. We have also taken him on to assist with support for phpVMS and smartCARS issues.

Thien is still hard at work on revamping the flight centre for our pilots as well as working on a re-work on flight tracking, which will include features such as automatic flight tracking, this has been something that has been called for since the initial launch of smartCARS! We hope to have these updates launched in the first quarter of 2025.


PACX was updated in 2024 to be compatible with X-Plane 12, Prepar3Dv6 and FS24 as well as publishing fixes for the IFE and more in-depth system fixes to improve performance.


The 717 has been updated to support Prepar3D v6.

*Please note, the above screenshots are still work-in-progress.*

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Päivitys tarjolla


We are happy to announce that 1.0.38 is now available to all customers. The changelog is extensive and posted below. Please update using the MD-11 Install Manager.

With this update out of the way, we're focused on fixing the FADEC/ATS performance, QA's must-fix list, and the art update, in that order. We'll keep you all posted and we appreciate your support and patience.

Happy flying!

## 1.0.38 (21 January 2025)
- ➕ **ADDED** - Simbrief import and integration for P3D
- ➕ **ADDED** - Physical throttle position display
- ➕ **ADDED** - SayIntentions support
- ➕ **ADDED** - More robust baro sync options
- ➕ **ADDED** - Minimums sync option
- ➕ **ADDED** - Scroll wheel acceleration option
- ➕ **ADDED** - DSPY light behavior
- ➕ **ADDED** - ECON OFF alert
- ➕ **ADDED** - DFDR OFF alert
- 🔧 **FIXED** - MSFS EFB showing ICAO length showing instead of ICAO
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Analog standby altimeter not rolling properly
- 🔧 **FIXED** - FMA overlap under SINGLE LAND conditions
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Temperatures not starting at appropriate defaults
- 🔧 **FIXED** - ISOL valve button light not reflecting status
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Engine bleed pressure and temp when engines are off
- 🔧 **FIXED** - ND occasionally drawing invalid distances
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Nose gear light incorrectly reading from right gear
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Invalid default anti-ice setting
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Altitude alert behavior
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Ability to start/operate APU outside of acceptable envelopes
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Manual ILS tuning selecting wrong course under certain conditions
- 🔧 **FIXED** - CAWS alerts inhibiting too early during approach
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Incorrect altitude alert exclusion logic
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Engine ignition A/B not selectable together
- 🔧 **FIXED** - ABS DISARM light not appearing when arming for landing
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Landing altitude box not appearing properly with no value entered
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Duct/zone temps not properly initializing
- 🔧 **FIXED** - LOC ONLY behavior
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Incorrect ETE to T/C or S/C on PERF page
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Default engine bleed temperature
- 🔧 **FIXED** - ILS lazy tracking behavior
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Localizer tracking wrong direction
- 🔧 **FIXED** - ILS intercepting without full configuration
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Rough autoland
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Poor autoland flare and rollout behavior
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Ignition bolt not appearing with anti ice on
- 🔧 **FIXED** - SID and STAR page missing arrows
- 🔧 **FIXED** - FMS DONE phase not triggering properly
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Erroneous IRS light flashing
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Intermittent OPT/MAX altitude value dropouts
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Various ILS capture issues
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Scroll acceleration not working properly
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Stabilizer trim moving without hydraulic power
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Overlapping analog and digital standby
- 🔧 **FIXED** - ECON speeds dropping out
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Navigraph session/login not being saved
- 🔧 **FIXED** - FMA indicating autoland with AFS off
- 🔧 **FIXED** - 250kt/10k limit not being applied at cruise below 10,000
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Ability to restart engines outside of acceptable envelopes
- ✏️ **CHANGED** - Improved startup sound
- ✏️ **CHANGED** - Improved GE sounds
- ✏️ **CHANGED** - Removed altitude alert exclusion type
- ✏️ **CHANGED** - Reduced volume of fuel ignition on startup (MSFS)
- ✏️ **CHANGED** - Slight improvements to exterior sound mix (MSFS)
- ✏️ **CHANGED** - Slightly reduced cockpit engine volume (MSFS)
- ✏️ **CHANGED** - Refined interior engine sound mix (MSFS)
- ✏️ **CHANGED** - Improved GE whine sound

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Mikael Leinonen
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After a unanimous `yes` vote by the Collector's Edition, we are happy to report that version 1.0.41 is now available! This should fix autothrottle performance and engine oscillation and improve the sounds significantly.

You can update via the MD-11 Install Manager.

## 1.0.41 (04 February 2025)
- ➕ **ADDED** - New ground roll sounds (MSFS)
- ➕ **ADDED** - New flaps turbulence sounds (MSFS)
- ➕ **ADDED** - New gear drag wind sounds (MSFS)
- 🔧 **FIXED** - Parking brake setting not being respected in EFB after reload
- 🔧 **FIXED** - GE engine oscillation
- 🔧 **FIXED** - ATS speed control performance
- ✏️ **CHANGED** - Improved ground roll spatialization (MSFS)
- ✏️ **CHANGED** - Re-tuned internal engine mix (GE) (MSFS)
- ✏️ **CHANGED** - Adjusted over wing mix (GE) (MSFS)
- ✏️ **CHANGED** - Enhanced flyby perspective effects (GE) (MSFS)
- ✏️ **CHANGED** - Refined saw sample/tuned N1 curve (MSFS/GE)
- ✏️ **CHANGED** - Adjusted overall engine mix (MSFS/GE)
- ✏️ **CHANGED** - Adjusted groundroll volumes (MSFS/GE)
- ✏️ **CHANGED** - Added attenuation to engine sounds based on altitude (MSFS/GE)

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