Oskari Pirttisalo

Fenix Simulations A320 CEO | MSFS

207 viestiä aiheessa

19 tuntia sitten, Rolf Niemi kirjoitti:

Siis puhdas asennus - yes:thmbup:

Vedin kummatkin päällekäin. Tuo puhdas asennus oli optio....

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1 tunti sitten, Mika Virolainen kirjoitti:

Vedin kummatkin päällekäin. Tuo puhdas asennus oli optio....

Ajattelin asian niin, että tehdäänpä niin kuin ohje sanoo eikä niin kuin tavallisesti (olipa kyseessä mikä laite tai ohjelma hyvänsä) eli tehdään ensin ja vilkaistaan pikaisesti sen jälkeen manuaalia siinä kiroillessa, että kaikkia ....tanan romuja sitä myydäänkin;D

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Uusi päivitys, V1.5.2.214 Mm. Flare law on nyt korjattu.
Aikamoinen lista muutenkin.
Via Facebook.

Hey @everyone, a new update is now available via the Fenix App - in this one, from an FM perspective, we’ve further refined the flare phase, taken a smidge of float out during landing, rectified the flap 3 drag situation, and sorted out the nose smashing down on landing instantly. Avionics wise, a few fixes here and there, mostly targeted at polishing VNAV, and fixing certain restrictions being improperly parsed by the aircraft. We’ve also fixed high CPU usage across both Fenix bootstrapper, and the Fenix app itself - thanks to the reports sent in by affected customers, along with nabbing several crash fixes for better stability, and picking off some irritating bugs in the panel state selection process. The art team has thrown in several fixes of their own based on customer feedback, which you can view in the changelog below, and some further sound improvements.
Oh, also, Saturn V mode was disabled during rotation. Sorry bout that. Enjoy 🙂
**__A320 CFM V1.5.2.214__**
- Adjusted G/A trigger
- Fixed high altitude speed constraint reported with LIRF approach
- Several crash fixes
- Fixed panel state issues with unable to start engines without cycling master levers
- Fixed DES engagement from cruise equal to ALT CST, dist to dest must be < 200nm (reported on one of the KPHX arrivals from FL340)
- Fixed G/A on wrong flaps conf target
- Fixed MANUAL leg's termination is not used as map ref point in plan mode
- Fixed speed/altitude constraints missing criteria
- Corrected restricting speed constraints below ECON on DES
- Corrected not restricting speed constraints above ECON on DES
- Improved ALT* in DES
- Made LVLCH in DES mode more aggressive
- Reprioritised below profile and overspeed relationship
- Fixed occasional inccorect TOD placement over LNAV path
- Fixed routing after discontinuity+manual leg when inserting SID/STAR/VIAs
- High altitude speed constraints should appear in mach and be satisfied/ignored as such
- Unrestrictive speed constraints are ignored, the actual speed displayed on that waypoint including (SPD LIM)
- Added +/- is not allowed with speed constraint entry in MCDU -> FORMAT ERROR
- Allow empty CSTR value
- Fixed reversed L/DEV
**__[FBW & AUTOFLIGHT]__**
- Retuned alpha protection to prevent oscillations
- Fixed blending bug in FLARE to GROUND MODE preventing correct blend being applied
- Adjusted FLARE MODE to GROUND MODE transition logic
- Adjusted FLARE MODE nose down controller with corrected data type
- Adjusted FLARE MODE sidestick input Nz feedback
- Adjusted spoiler deployment profile
- Adjusted elevator input Nz data processing during post-touchdown to fix nose-down smashing
**__[FLIGHT MODEL]__**
- Adjusted Flap 3 drag values
- Adjusted rotation weight/feel for greater weight
**__[ART & SOUND]__**
- Fixed overly bright cockpit in some scenarios
- Added SPEED BRAKE text on pedestal
- Fixed wind sound disappearing in cruise (who knew TAS could go above 500)
- Cockpit wind noise in high mach cruise improved
- Fixed N2 whine and buzzsaw LP bug (engines should sound better in cockpit & cabin now)
- Improved initial spool (20-50N1) sounds and balancing
- Fixed stereo width on AEVC and cockpit pack samples
- Taxiing sounds improved
- Nosewheel on runway lights sound improved
- Contactors improved (more to come in B2)
- Y elec pump volume adjusted
- Fuel pumps volume and balance adjusted


Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Tatu Kantomaa
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Post Scriptum

Jos asennatte poistaen ensin vanhan version alta pois, niin muistakaa sitten asentaa Navigraph data uudestaan. :cool:

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18 tuntia sitten, Tatu Kantomaa kirjoitti:

Post Scriptum

Jos asennatte poistaen ensin vanhan version alta pois, niin muistakaa sitten asentaa Navigraph data uudestaan. :cool:

Lämmin suositus tälle. Olisi se sentään kuukauden ja päivien perusteella voinut ollakin ajantasainen, siksi se ei kai osunutkaan preflightissa silmiin..N-ytt-kuva-71

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Fenix block 2 viivästyy...

From Aamir


Hello @everyone!


So, today we learn about project management and why it sometimes sucks. I have, by all accounts, some really great news. The CFM external engine model has progressed rather briskly, much more so than I expected. In my expectation as project manager, I pegged it at around 4 months to completion from when we started. As such I scheduled it for launch alongside the A321 and A319. What actually transpired is that we started working on it.. And then finished it. In 6 weeks. It is now in testing and we’re finalising its failure behaviours before pushing that out for our testers to break. 


Why did this go much quicker? Well, we’d already built all the external engine infrastructure, which was the toughest part. The difference between doing something for the first time (the IAEs took 6 months), and doing something once you’ve got a bit of experience, the infrastructure in place, and some tools you’ve developed for the job - speeds it all up quite massively, but I definitely did not expect this. 


Why is this a bad thing? Right - well, it comes down to decision making on my part. I could release Block 2 at the end of this month, and then release the CFMs at some later point. But I have a few factors to consider. 


The first is fairly simple - mixed infrastructure sucks to deal with. When I say mixed infrastructure, we’re going to have the CFMs running the old FM, old engine model, old FADEC, and a bunch of other old code in the background (script hacks to make the old CFMs a little more believable, etc), and then alongside that, we will have the IAEs running a completely different set of code for pretty much anything that has to do with the engines. Failures will also get mucky, CFMs will trigger failures in one way, IAEs in another. So on, so forth. Basically it will get rather soupy. And this is fine if we were going to be working with it over a couple of months. But for the want of 3 to 4 weeks, it’s not worth dealing with the potential blowback. 


The second, is protecting other timelines. We could deploy the IAEs now, then get stuck in on a round of bug fixing, then prepare the CFMs and deploy them, and THEN bug fix those, before finishing up the A321/A319. Or we could deploy the IAEs and CFMs, bug fix and service them, and move straight on to A321/A319. The latter approach is less risky, but it also lets us proceed with the engines on the A321/A319 sooner, meaning we can get the entire thing done quicker. 


Anyway, the tl;dr is that I’ve opted to delay Block 2 so we can get the CFMs out to you ASAP as well. Our revised timeline is October. The A321 and A319 guidance remains unchanged. 


I know some will hate this news, others will see the sense in it. It circles back around to project management and why it sucks. A tough decision to make, but for those I’ve disappointed, my apologies!


Now something else we wanted to properly confirm for Block 2 is an almost entirely rebuilt cabin for more detail and performance (higher FPS and reduced VRAM), but also ensuring it is possible to realistically represent many more airlines. When we first built the cabin for V1, whilst it wasn't quite an afterthought, back in 2021 cabins weren't considered such a broadly enjoyed part of the experience as they are now. Much more to come in due course about it all. 



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Kuvat näkyvät discordissa

Hi @everyone - to get the sharp end of the stick out of the way first, as you may have noticed it's the end of October and Block 2 isn't here. The last month has been an absolute whirlwind of late nights, early mornings, and weekends to try and get this over the line in time. Things ultimately did not go our way in the later phase of development and the simple fact is we're not going to be meeting our October guidance as hoped, but regardless we're not letting our foot off the gas just yet. We understand this is going to cause a lot of frustration and annoyance, and we're honestly gutted we couldn't pin everything together. With that said, as disappointing as this news may be to some of you, I'd like to reiterate that sending abusive DMs to any staff on the server will result in an instant ban - we'll take the egg on our faces for missing our aiming point, but the uptick in genuinely abusive messages will not speed up development.

Now that's out of the way, I actually bring something more than just wibble-bait: screenshots. We've kept Block 2 under wraps for quite a while as we're exploiting some tech that we've had in development for over a year, and continue to refine.

So first up, it's worth noting that there's still a few decals and textures that need moving over to the 'new' process we've recently had to switch to for some areas of the artwork due a core bug with how MSFS handles z-ordering, so don't mind a couple of missing stickers or decals here and there. This is also only going to be a 'brief' overview, I know Dave has a whole thesis planned to explain the numerous improvements the new model brings, so I don't want to steal his thunder entirely, but I did ask if I could pinch a couple of shots from him for this update. I'm on strict orders not to reveal some of the secret features he's been working on, which means we'll be sticking with the CFMs today.

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Mikael Leinonen
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Discordin puolella ohjeita miten saa jäätymisongelmat ratkaistua... Tiedosto löytyy Discordin puolelta, en osannut liittää sitä tähän viestiin :hmm:

"Hey, just dropping in here for a moment as I know some people are frustrated with not being able to use icing with the aircraft. This systems.cfg should fix it as a quick patch, but bear in mind we cannot warrant the electrical behaviour of the airplane alongside failures/pitot failures/etc or any abnormals. So, please back up your original and if it is problematic, roll back. It goes here: Community\fnx-aircraft-320\SimObjects\Airplanes\FNX320\systems.cfg Replace that ^ and it should work. With this, you should be able to turn icing back on again."

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Kohta alkaa tapahtua...

Hi @everyone, time guidance has been updated from "weeks not months" to "hours not days", see ya tomorrow for B2 day - we'll be posting more tidbits and some info in the following hours, so don't panic if you see pings later today again, the build will come tomorrow. Thanks for the patience and I look forward to the last year and a half of work landing on your PCs shortly 🙂

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Tästä ensipuraisu, on kyllä todella paljon muutoksia tullut tähän :thmbup:


Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Mikael Leinonen
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V1 kippari puhui eilisessä striimissä siitä, kuinka koneella laskeutuminen on nyt mallinnettu oikein ja (flare logic) on paras tähän astisista versioista. Suosituksissa on tikulle -20% herkkyys. Varoitteli siitä, ettei me jotka ei asiasta niin tiedetä, aleta nyt säätämään tikkua niin, että laskeutuminen muuttuu sellaiseksi mitä se oli ennen tätä päivitystä. :cool: Eli nyt harjoitellaan tällä mallilla laskeutuminen uusiksi. Kerrassaan mahtava tuli tästä koneesta. 

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Päivitys tulossa

Hey all. We've spent the weekend collating and investigating various issues from the initial Block 2 release, and are working on fixing and improving several aspects of the product, including but not limited to:
- CTDs and initialisation issues
- Lower performance on some systems (especially in exterior view)
- AP disconnecting in flight/not being able to engage AP
- Livery manager on the strugglebus with 4K liveries
- Weights being incorrect when using lbs
- Auto catering/minor GSX issues
- Better response from the brakes when using a button rather than an axis (along with incremental thrust handling improvements)

If you've experienced an issue and don't see it above, don't worry, we're tracking a whole lot more than this, but these are the highlights I felt important to share that are being actively worked on. We hope our first patch will be out at the end of this week, or early next week.

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Eilen toimi toisella yrittämällä ihan ok - joutui käynnistämään tuon Fenix Aplikaation kerran uusiksi kun kaikki näytöt olivat valkoiset simun latauduttua valitsemalleni kentälle.

Tänään yritin samaa - ei auttanut. Olivat valkoiset. Uusi yritys - nyt ne olivat mustat niin kuin ei olisi virtaa lainkaan, mutta kyllä sitä oli koska muut nippelit toimivat maasähköllä.

Käynnistin tietokoneen uusiksi ja koneen käynnistyttyä kirjauduin ulos Fenix Aplikaatiosta ja kirjauduin uusiksi, käynnistin simun ja nyt tulos oli kaksijakoinen kuvan mukainen lopputulos. En ole kokeillut Fenixin bussia ennen näitä yrityksiä kertaakaan enkä simuillut muutenkaan. Steam päivitti itsensä aamulla kun käynnistin koneen - en tiedäonko sillä mitään vaikutusta, mutta outoa on - perin outoa ja joo, kuva tässä:


FlightSimulator 2024-03-08 14-02-04-33.jpg

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Tuntuu näitä ihme bugeja oevan, itselläni ensimmäisellä käynnistyksellä oli myös ongelmia, tabletti oli tyhjää täynnä ja koneen tila oli eriskummallinen. Uudelleen käynnistyksen jälkeen alkoi toimimaan oikein. Päivitys tulossa josko se korjaisi nämä tälläiset.

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Mikael Leinonen

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Versio ladattavissa.

○    Tuned alpha protection and recovery (should fix AP not engaging spuriously issue)
○    Improved “zombie MSFS process” resistance
○    Improved logging in a few core places to assist in troubleshooting
○    Fixed high CPU usage by FenixBootstrapper.exe and Fenix.exe
○    Fixed issues causing failed hook-ins (blank screens)
○    Fixed boarding starting while catering is in progress
○    Fixed N1 gauge crossed out if N1 mode engaged (IAE)
○    Fixed conditions for DisarmDoors triggering
○    Fixed red line being drawn in N1 gauge when it’s amber crossed
○    Improved roll rate when bank angle protection takes control of the aircraft.
○    Fix potential issue when GSX boarding and refueling are called at the same time
○    Adjust D1L closure time after boarding has completed
○    Fix boarding music not playing in some scenarios
○    Fixed several potential crashes
○    Added fuel venting based on airspeed
○    Adjusted AoA dampening
○    Improved latching into detents with incremental throttle control
○    Improved brake application and release times for button users
○    Fixed bypass pin being stuck in
○    Adjusted VLS calculation
○    Fixed missing EFIS, RMP, ELEC and FCU Lvars
○    Fixed auto deboarding sometimes not working correctly (it now attempts to deboard regardless of parking status)
○    Fixed FMS tuned navaids not clearing when RMP goes into NAV override
○    Fixed display of FD flag
○    Fixed ECAM F/CTL page automatically showing with too little control input
○    Improved fuel venting further
○    Fixed restart button crashing launcher
○    Fixed GSX integration not opening the rear door
○    Improved performance especially in exterior view
○    RAT decal misplaced
○    Reverser sound fade in harsh on IAEs
○    Retard callout won't stop playing fix
○    Added ice detection system
○    Improved engine spinner idle blur to help with frame gen artifacting
○    Improved interior rear of wing sounds on IAE
○    Increased N1 bearing volume on IAE engines
○    Improved pilot/copilot, overhead and EFB cameras
○    Reduced packs and CAB FAN volume
○    Slightly improved performance on audio engine
○    IAE start up sounds adjusted to be louder further away
○    Fixed initial start being too quiet/muffled (especially ENG 2)
○    Improved interior sound set for IAE at idle
○    Fixed sky reflection in virtual cabin windows
○    Fixed idle spinner not being in blurred state
○    Fixed FWD and AFT cargo door handles being incorrectly synced
○    Fixed missing animation/texture for running CFM N1 fan
○    Fixed American SATCOM text+symbol cut off
○    Fixed offset weathering on RMP1 VOR1 switch
○    Fixed floating ice probe on windscreen
○    Fixed sun shade visor vanishing on cursor hover
○    Fixed incorrect tooltip for pedals
○    Fixed left main landing gear tire animations missing
○    Fixed right CFM inlet missing rivets
○    Fixed pylon panel labeling not being visible through cabin windows
○    Fixed right CFM pylon having a gap in panel seams
○    Fixed BRK TEMP DET UNIT being popped
○    Fixed N1 buttons and maintenance bus switch missing tooltips
○    Fixed modern wing decals clipping into wing
○    Fixed GSX definition for door L4
○    Improved LODing when switching between interior and exterior views
○    Fixed slats clipping into wing when transitioning
○    Fixed cabin pressure decal not animating with door
○    Fixed mesh gaps around central window column
○    Fixed AEVC loop thumps
○    Improved heat transfer mechanics
○    Gently adjusted ground effect
○    Fixed boarding starting while catering is still in progress when using the auto catering option
○    Fixed take-off performance calculator sometimes not working correctly when using lbs
○    Fixed polling Navigraph too much when waiting for authentication
○    Fixed some issues that could occur when loading the aircraft multiple times
○    Fixed custom intersection TORA only allowing 4 digits when using FT units
○    Stopped livery verification from running at each start-up and moved it to a “verify liveries” button in settings
○    Cleaned up settings
○    Fixed missing cockpits on some liveries
○    Hungry



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Pari päivää sitten - ja myös eilen - oli sellainen ongelma, että AP ei mennyt päälle. Myöskään HDG moodi ei toiminut. Nämä molemmat lennot yritin tehdä ensikertaa päivityksen jälkeen. Ihmettelin, että mikä nyt tällä kertaa on vikana. Mitään selvää syytä en hokannut. Katselin foorumeita eikä kellään ollut vastaavaa ongelmaa. Päätin sitten kokeilla uudelleen asennusta ja aloitin poistamalla virallisen British Airways paintin ja tuolloin näin, että tälle paintille oli päivitys olemassa Fenixin painttilistassa. Poistin siis sen ja kaiken muunkin sälän - käynnistin tietokeen ja asensin koneen takaisin ja saman päivitetyn paintin myös.

Käynnistin jälleen tietokoneen ja sitten simun tarkistaakseni, että kaikki toimii noin silmämääräisesti. Kaikki näytti olevan ok ja simu sammuksiin. Tänään sitten tein lyhyen testilennon Lontoosta Nantesiin ja nyt toimi kaikki hienosti. Ehkä vika oli tuossa paintissa - en tiedä. Irroitin toki kaikki ohjaimetkin ja kalibroin nekin varmuuden vuoksi bussin asennuksen jälkeen.

Tässä alkaa olla tätä tavaraa - on Rexin Season, FSLTL Ai-liikenne, AivlaSoft EFB ja Navigraph Maps sekä GSX Pro + lisäosakentät.. Oikeastaan FSX Steamin ajoista mikään ei ole loppujen lopuksi muuttunut sen suhteen, mitä lisäosia tarvitaan. Näistäkin kun joku tökkii niin ala siinä sitten etsimään vian aiheuttajaa. Kierre tuntuu olevan loputon:hmm:

Nyt sieltä kohta taitaa tulla SimUpdate - hmmmm...:-\

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Eilen oli eilen ja tänään taas toisin kuin eilen.



Kun simu käynnistyi valittuani kartalta lähtökentän -> FLY käynnistyi myös tuo Fenixin aplikaatio joka vilkkuu käynnistyessään monta kertaa (pois näkyvistää ja taas näkyviin) ruudulla. Nyt se meni vielä niin, että lopulta se jäi simun käynnistyksen jälkeen ohjaamonäkymän päälle. Minun piti antaa s-posti ja salasana ennen kuin juttu meni normaalitilaan ja kaikki mielestäni toimi kuten pitääkin.

GSX hoiti kaiken loistavasti. Löpö, lasti ja matkustajat kyytiin ongelmitta ja päälle jäänesto. Sitten kohti kiitotietä 1L ja sieltä ilmaan, fillarit sisään ja noin 2 000:ssa jalassa Autopilotti päälle. Noin 3 000:ssa jalassa kuului piip piip ja Autilotti pois päältä eikä sitä saanut päälle mistään eikä mitenkään eikä myöskään HDG-modi tietenkään toiminut.

Eilen meni kaikki hienosti EGLL - LFRS. Jostain syystä nyt kolme kertaa yritettyäni lähteä Arlandasta aina sama juttu. Lontoosta Arlandaan matka meni ongelmitta tuon retken tein ennen viimeisintä Fenixin päivitystä .

Kuvassa näkyy mitä on meneillään: V/S on korkea, mutta se lähti nousemaan omiaan kun keskityin tutkimaan ongelmaa ja otin tuon kuvan.


FlightSimulator 2024-03-17 13-36-26-15.jpg

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Rolf Niemi
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