Oskari Pirttisalo

Fenix Simulations A320 CEO | MSFS

207 viestiä aiheessa



Hey @everyone - this latest build is a stability and infrastructure focused one, aiming to clean things up like APPR mode crashes and such. This update is for **BOTH 2020 and 2024,** so install it no matter what platform you’re running 🙂

**Avionics and Systems**

- Fixed A32X systems not loading/unloading correctly
- Fixed CAB ALT gauge not showing the correct value
- Fixed some crashes

**Art and Sound**

- 2024: fixed cockpit blend mask across AO, metalness and roughness

**Installer (v1.0.141)**

- Old log files are now cleaned up when installing a new product
- If both MS Store and Steam are installed, MS Store will be preferred (this is similar to what the logic was before)
- Added additional logging around exe.xml
- Fixed a crash when the user's Fenix login details were corrupt
- Fixed exe.xml not being edited if 2020 products are updated, then 2024 installed on top of that (or vice versa)

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Päivitystä jälleen...

@everyone another stability and QOL focused sweep, anything 2024 specific is marked as such - enjoy! (also fixed super annoying 2024 EFB clickspot bug)

Avionics and Systems

Wired auto brake indicator to the BSCU functional test performed when the gear is lowered
Fixed some computers going through the full boot process when loading a quickstart
[2024] Improved loading/unloading of Fenix (should prevent it from restarting mid-flight, and issues with the main menu)
Improved robustness of displays
Fixed multiple crashes
Fixed missing track line on ND when not managed
Fixed pause at T/D
Fixed Throttle n Axis (0 to 100%) not working


[2024] Fixed keyboard input not working
[2024] Fixed EFB clicking being unreliable and often requiring multiple clicks
Fixed takeoff performance being unable to compute for low temperatures

1 henkilö tykkää tästä

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**Avionics and Systems**

- [2024] Fixed aircraft restarting in some scenarios (changing settings, specific camera views)
- Fixed potential crash when handling inputs

**Art and Sound**

- [2024] Fixed registration and SELCAL text not appearing at all (they will still appear black for now, though)
- [2024] Fixed rain travelling in the wrong direction


- Fixed potential errors when retrieving METARs with invalid data
- Fixed 1px gap at the bottom of the app bar


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Ei se Fenix taida vielä olla yhteensopiva 2024-simun kanssa - ei ainakaan täydellisesti:

(Ylläolevat kuva ja teksti lainattu Rolfin toisesta ketjusta olevasta viestistä.)

Ilmeisesti mun tietokoneessa ei tehot piisaa,varsinkaan näytönohjaimen.Toisaalta,onhan kuitenkin kyseessä vielä Beta-versio


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21 tuntia sitten, Rolf Niemi kirjoitti:

Ei se Fenix taida vielä olla yhteensopiva 2024-simun kanssa - ei ainakaan täydellisesti:



PS.Korjasin viestin lähetystapaa.Nyt näkyy viestin alkuperäinen lähettäjä toisesta viestiketjusta.

Ilmeisesti mun tietokoneessa ei tehot piisaa,varsinkaan näytönohjaimen.Toisaalta,onhan kuitenkin kyseessä vasta Beta-versio.



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