Hannu Tiitu

Kaasupallolla jälleen kohti Suomea

4 viestiä aiheessa

Sain tämmöisen viestin mahdollisesta kaasupallovierailusta:




Tomas Hora and Volker Löschhorn took off in a gasballon friday 17 lokal in Stuttgart and are now north of the island Fyn, Danmark. Drifting in ca. 1500 m 10-15°. Sundaymorning they will reach sweden between Göteborg and Varberg and will continou towards the Vänern-Lake.


With a lot of ballast and low sand-consumption they may be able to fly until Monday to Finland. The weather looks good, we will see how long the team would like to fly..


You can see the position of the Balloon in the Internet at: http://www.ballonsportgruppe-stuttgart.de/track.htm


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Uhrzeit   Breite      Laenge      Richtung  Speed   Hoehe
16:26:11  N58°27'49"  E11°54'23"  135°      0 km/h  0 m


Näyttäisi siltä, että ovat laskeutuneet Uddevallan pohjoispuolelle, Göteborgista pohjoiseen.


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Tämmöistä raporttia tuli pallon laskeutumisesta. Ei se keli sitten ollutkaan niin hyvä, kuin mitä aluksi arvelivat.




The balloon landed safely about 14:00 UTC. It was met by the board of the local balloon club.


All is well. The weather (cloudbase and rain) was too bad to make it possible to get a good wind direction.


At 7000 ft it would have been possible to reach northern Finland in 30 hours but at lower levels the wind direction was towards the Norwegian mountains.


At about 16:00 UTC all left the landing place. Balloon crew are now on the way home via Göteborg and maybe tomorrow via ferry to Denmark.


Now Tomas just called and they are tired but happy.




Edit: ja tässä vielä aiheesta heille, joilla on virkamiesruotsit suoritettuina: http://www.ballong.org/aktuellt/notiser.php?id=294


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