Jorma Kosonen

(U.S) Navy Aviation Vision 2030-2035 julkaistu

3 viestiä aiheessa

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"The CVW of the 2030s achieves a complementary mix of F-35C Lightning II, F/A-18E/F Block III Super Hornet, and next generation strike fighter (F/A-XX), with the F/A-18E/F Block III providing the backbone of the CVW through 2035. F/A-18E/F Block III with reduced signature, Infrared Search and Track (IRST) Block II, and increased computing, working in tandem with the capabilities provided by the F-35C and E-2D, will make the entire CSG more lethal and survivable.

The F-35C of 2030 and beyond will serve as an invaluable force multiplier for the CSG. The F-35C’s stealth and passive detection capabilities will allow the platform to gain critical intelligence and share throughout the CSG, significantly aiding the kill chain. Additionally, in the maritime domain, the Block IV F-35C will be the Navy’s strike platform of choice with Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW) C1, Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile Extended Range (AARGM ER) and Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) II incorporated. During Fighter Integration (FI) events with the F/A-18E/F Block III the F-35C will allow the F/A-18E/F Block III to be a more survivable and lethal platform leveraging the F-35C’s stealth and passive detection abilities to shape the overall air picture.

The F/A-XX is the strike fighter component within the Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) Family of Systems (FoS). It is planned to replace the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet in the 2030s. Its specific capabilities and technologies are under development, however analysis shows it must have longer range and greater speed, incorporate passive and active sensor technology, and possess the capability to employ the longer-range weapons programmed for the future. As the Super Hornets are retired from service, a combination of F-35C and F/A-XX will provide Navy tactical fighter aircraft capability and capacity within the CVW. The advanced carrier- based power projection capabilities resident in F/A- XX will maintain CVN relevance in advanced threat environments.

The EA-18G Airborne Electronic Attack (AEA) will provide the bulk of the full-spectrum integrated non-kinetic effects for the air wing and joint expeditionary force. The EA-18G will employ Next Generation Jammer (NGJ) and other Non-Kinetic Effects (NKE). The F-35C and its emerging capabilities will complement and augment the EA-18G."

CVW = Carrier Air Wing

CSG = Carrier Strike Group

CVN = Aircraft Carrier, Nuclear

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Jorma Kosonen
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Yhdysvaltain ilmavoimat kaavailee kahdensadan uuden, kuudennen sukupolven NGAD-hävittäjän (Next Generation Air Dominance) rakentamista, kirjoittaa Janes.

Asiasta kertoi maan ilmavoimaministeri Air Force Associationin seminaarissa. NGAD- ja F-35A -kalustoa täydentää tuhat uutta miehittämätöntä CCA-ilma-alusta (Collaborative Combat Aircraft).

Suunnittelijoille annettu alustava lukumääräarvio: "Tuhat CCA:ta tulee oletuksesta, jossa 200 NGAD-koneelle ja 300 F-35-koneelle allokoidaan kullekin kaksi miehittämätöntä ilma-alusta”.

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Petri Lehtovirta

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Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) -ohjelma vaikuttaa jäävän muiden kehityshankkeiden jalkoihin, erityisesti mannertenvälisten ballististen ohjusten LGM-35A Sentinel -ohjelman, jonka arvioidut kustannukset ovat lähes kaksinkertaistuneet vajaaseen 141 miljardiin dollariin.

On mahdollista että NGAD hankkeen kuluja karsitaan ja panostetaan ainoastaan miehittämättömään ratkaisuun.

Vaikutuksia voi olla tulossa myös laivaston rinnakkaiseen FA-XX hankkeeseen

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