Ilkka Mäkelä

Erikoisia Boeing 747-virityksiä joista osa lensikin

1 viesti aiheessa

Osa näistä monista 747-modifikaatiosuunnitelmista toimi kuten suunniteltiin, suuri osa taas ei.


The size and success of Boeing’s iconic 747 aircraft made it the perfect platform for a number of ambitious and, at times, strange modifications that would have completely altered its performance and look. 

Some of these modifications succeeded, resulting in airborne aircraft which, if only for a while, managed to perform their new roles. But others failed to do so or were never intended to fly at all, having been part of alternative proposals to extend the scope of the 747’s operations. 

So, to mark the completion of Boeing’s final delivery of its iconic Queen of the Skies, AeroTime bids farewell by taking a look at the strangest 747 proposals that were never flown. 

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