Ilkka Mäkelä

Aeroflotin työntekijöitä vaaditaan olemaan vaiti koneiden vioista

3 viestiä aiheessa

Venäläisen Proekt-sivuston raportin mukaan Aeroflotin työntekijöitä on vaadittu olemaan raportoimatta koneiden vioista ja puutteista. Tarkoitus on välttää koneiden maadoittaminen. Jopa 737:n polttoainevuoto on jätetty kirjaamatta tekniseen lokiin.


Russia's biggest commercial airline Aeroflot has asked its employees to refrain from reporting malfunctions as it continues to suffer under Western sanctions, according to the investigative Russian outlet Proekt.

Senior flight attendants at the company were sent an email in March last year in which they were told they should only log faults after obtaining approval from the pilot in command, Proekt reported on Monday. The investigation cited internal company documents and interviews with current and former employees.

This means that many flights are departing with significant breakdowns that staff are fully aware of, several employees said.

A former Aeroflot employee told Proekt that the main reason behind the directive is "to prevent aircraft from being grounded due to a malfunction that, on paper, should prevent the aircraft from being operated until it is fixed."

A series of Western sanctions implemented after Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine prohibited its aviation industry from being able to service its aircrafts or get spare parts delivered.

As a result, the Kremlin announced earlier this year that it would legalize "cannibalization," which means Russian engineers can remove serviceable parts from one plane to keep others flying.

The lack of aircraft maintenance has already led to several close calls.

One Aeroflot flight in January had to make an emergency landing due to a faulty toilet system, while another was forced to land one month later due to an air conditioning malfunction, according to a report by the independent Russian news outlet Arbat.

A former pilot told Proekt that on a flight in January, he found a fuel leakage while starting the engines of a Boeing 737. When he called technicians to investigate the leak, they said it had been there for a while.

"It had happened several times before, but there were no records of it in the technical log book — the airline's management asked us not to write anything," the pilot told Proekt.

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Tavoitteen saavuttaminen on tärkeää venäläisessä sotataidossa, ja siinä ei tappioiden suuruudella ole mitään merkitystä. Sama periaate on otettu parinkymmenen "hyvän" ilmailuvuoden jälkeen taas ohjenuoraksi. Maahan on päästävä tavalla tai toisella... ja sehän slobolta onnistuu joskus hyvin ja tulevaisuudessa varmaan vähän huonommin. Pakotteiden syytä tietysti kaikki tyynni. On se vaan hieno maa :thmbdn:ja melko tyhmä kansa, kun moiseen suostuu.

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Samaan liittyen päivän Hesaria:


Venäjän ilmatilassa liikkuu länsivalmisteisia lentokoneita, joiden osia ei pakotteiden vuoksi ole voitu uusia. Viime vuoden aikana ongelmakoneilla lennettiin yli 2 000 lentoa, Kommersant kertoi tiistaina.

Kommersant perustaa tietonsa nauhoitukseen, jonka se on saanut Venäjän liikennevalvontaviraston Rostransnadzorin johtajan Viktor Basarginin esitelmästä duuman liikennekomitealle tiistaina.

”Tiettyjä osia on yksinkertaisesti mahdoton tuoda maahan”, Basargin sanoi nauhoitteella Kommersantin mukaan.


Monien lentoyhtiöiden kuten Aeroflotin edustajat kiistivät vanhentuneiden osien käytön.


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