Rolf Niemi

IniBuilds Airbus A300-600

50 viestiä aiheessa

2 tuntia sitten, Tatu Kantomaa kirjoitti:

Art Fixes/Changes
Removed - Ice detector probe

Jees - Luin lopun vähän hätäisesti kun oli kiire testaamaan. Toinen kerta sitten toden kertoi. Testi sujui hienosti lukuunottamatta nettiyhteyden katkeamista toviksi jonka jälkeen yhteyden palattua meno oli jonkin verran tökkivää aika ajoin. näkyi olevan R-versiolle hieno Finnairin paintti;)

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Muutama retki takana lähinnä rahtiversiolla ja olen matkoillani havainnut pieniä ongelmia. Autopilotti saattaa kytkeytyä toisinaan pois päältä, TOD-piste puuttuu silloin tällöin eikä kone tavoita aina ILS-polkua eikä GS kykeydy finaaliin tultaessa. Ei mitään isoja juttuja ja manuaalisesti tulee kyllä hyvin alas - ei siinä mitään, mutta hieman häiritseviä tilanteita. Tosin pitäähän se simupilotin jatkuvasti tarkkana. Miten teillä jotka kenties käytätte tätä konetta?

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2 tuntia sitten, Rolf Niemi kirjoitti:

Muutama retki takana lähinnä rahtiversiolla ja olen matkoillani havainnut pieniä ongelmia. Autopilotti saattaa kytkeytyä toisinaan pois päältä, TOD-piste puuttuu silloin tällöin eikä kone tavoita aina ILS-polkua eikä GS kykeydy finaaliin tultaessa. Ei mitään isoja juttuja ja manuaalisesti tulee kyllä hyvin alas - ei siinä mitään, mutta hieman häiritseviä tilanteita. Tosin pitäähän se simupilotin jatkuvasti tarkkana. Miten teillä jotka kenties käytätte tätä konetta?

Minulla meni ensimmäiset lähestymiset hieman haastaviksi, koska en tajunnut laittaa taajuuksia ja suuntia manuaalisesti, a32x ne kun menee automaattisesti. A300 on sen jälkeen napannut nätisti liukupolun kiinni, mutta olen sen aina alapuolelta ottanut kiinni.

Autopilotin herkkyyttä saa säädettyä EFBltä, ettei ole liian realistinen.

Kone on minulla toiminut muuten ihan ok, mitä nyt tänään lähti varoittamatta kentältä kesken valmistelujen kieppumaan hulluna taivaalle. Seurasin nousukierrettä jonnekin stratosfäärin rajalle, ennenkuin resetoin tilanteen alkuvalikon kautta. En tiedä kohtuiko tämä koneestä vai kentästä, mutta aika ihme homma..

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Okei - täytyy tutkia tuota herkkyyden säätöä jos siitä löytyisi apua. Tosin kyllä kaikki välillä toimii ongelmitta, mutta tutkitaan huomenissa...

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5.1.2024 at 22.42, Mikko Westerlund kirjoitti:

Pitäisi olla korjattu ko päivityksessä.

Joo - bugihan se oli matkustajaversion osalta. Menen rahtiversiolla ja näyttää siltä, että tuo jäätymisen ilmaiseva laite ohjaamon etuosassa on kateissa. ECAM kyllä kertoi tilanteesta kun äsken lähdin Oslosta.

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v1.0.3 of the iniBuilds A300-600R Airliner for MSFS has been released. This update fixes some animations, light positions, fuel changes and more! It also features some new EFB features to address the TCA idle reverse bug with a new deadzone calibration, the ability to drag efb charts and many more!

This update can be downloaded via the iniManager.


Art Fixes/Changes
- Fixed - Shadow AO in Cabin
- Fixed - Flap animation too slow
- Fixed - F variant has slide arm stickers - also, action reversed
- Fixed - Disable HF displays / make rotary moveable
- Fixed - MCU Light Brightness Rotary doesn't dim lights
- Fixed – beacon light positions
- Fixed - Freighter: Cargo hall lights bleed through cockpit door
- Fixed - Extra dot on engine fuel display
- Fixed - Oil gauges: remove orange pointer, two words and two white dots missing
- Fixed - Galley AO texture

System Fixes/Changes
-  Fixed - When you turn off IRS 1 for you lose the ATT info on CPT PFD 
- Fixed - No fuel limitation on center tank
- Fixed - Smoke detector test
- Fixed - FMC not displaying waypoints on Airway page
- Fixed - Mach PreSelect not working
- Fixed - EFOB on CRZ and FUEL PRED page are different (possibly one is in KG, one in LBS)
- Fixed - LDA approaches missing RJTT
- Fixed - SPEED doesn't automatically change to MACH at 25400ft in LVL/CH mode
- Fixed - CPT FMS clearing properly on turnaround, but not FO
- Fixed - [FUEL] When fuel pumps selected off fuel tanks during gravity feeding still emptying
- Fixed - [FUEL] When FUEL ISOL valve is closed the fuel can still be drawn from the tank
- Fixed - ADF needles inop
- Fixed - Wrong TCAS test modelled
- Fixed - RMI Heading bug bug
- Fixed - Clock time counts faster when in external view
- Fixed - OPT and MAX FL should be based on weights entered in FMC, not the actual weights manipulated by EFB
- Fixed - TOD ETA in MCDU wrong
- Fixed - HYD fluids don't update on ECAM
- Fixed - Turning on engine anti ice should change n1 egt n2 etc 
- Added - Overtemp/speed pointers simulation on gauges and add max point reset on maintenance panel
- Fixed - Some A/THR, TO CONFIG and FPA issues
- Fixed - AP not upgrading from ALT* to ALT 
- Fixed - Because of above bug (ALT* to ALT) RNAV inop
- Fixed - ECAM shows wrong SPLRs are faulty when turning off blue hyd system
- Fixed - CG indication shows ZFWCG
- Fixed - Anti-Ice inop
- Fixed - MORE drag message not correct.
- Fixed - TCAS displaying all altitudes regardless of setting
- Fixed - Cant enter TROPO
- Fixed - "THR" not reverting to armed after target N1 on takeoff
- Fixed - [AFS] GW on ND not coming from weights typed into the FMS coming from sim weight 
- Fixed - [FMS] Change engine type to read A5 at the end not A1 
- Fixed - Aircraft not maintaining altitude in ALT
- Fixed - Logitech Radio Panels adjust active and not standby frequency
- Fixed - LDG INHIB and T.O. INHIB messages missing
- Fixed - TPR doesn’t follow Accel/THR red heights in FMS
- Fixed - TOC / BOD hockey sticks missing

EFB Fixes/Changes
- Fixed - Setting fuel in the EFB to 999999999999999999 and then click apply and instantly finishing the refuelling makes the plane bunnyhop.
- Fixed - Can't disarm door 4R
- Fixed – Maintenance has no effect on the aircraft
- Fixed - APU oil level drained to 0% after loading in 2/3 times few users also reported this on the discord. You can see the even counter is 21 but hours are 0 so should still have 39+ hours of fuel in 
-Fixed - Maintenance doesn't seem to work - nothing seems to be saved
- Added - Close the menu for panelstates once any panelstate button is pressed please
- Fixed - TORA no effect on V-Speeds
- Fixed - Takeoff Performance gives illogical numbers
- Fixed - Stutters caused by EFB
- Fixed - Generating new flightplan on SB doesn't refresh the Charts DEP/ARR even after pulling flightplan from SB again
- Fixed - Visuals for W/B when updating payload
- Fixed - Plane on Navigraph charts is offset
- Fixed - Perf page shows units as kgs if lbs are selected in settings
- Fixed - Weight on Perf page still shows lbs in column despite reflecting KG value
- Fixed - units on performance page not updating with selection in settings (values correct)
- Fixed - EFB performance not visually switching to imperial units
- Fixed - No LBS shown on payload or performance sections
- Fixed - Battery/Loading symbol flashing for me all the time
- Fixed - Altimeter settings don't stick
- Fixed - Unable to compute TO for values 170000 kg and above
- Fixed - TCA stuck in reverse
- Added - Deadzone to throttle calibration for reverse on axis throttles
- Fixed - When refuelling, fuel always starts at 0 and not the current fuel
- Fixed - No limit on payload fields
- Added – Ability to drag charts
- Added – many other suggestions for EFB charts
- Added – dark mode for charts
- Added – negative sign value for weather perf page 
- Added – Confirmation prompt to panel state buttons
- Added - OFP Viewer to EFB
- Added – A "disarm all doors" option to the EFB
- Fixed - EFB inserts wrong HDG into takeoff calc
- Fixed - Loading time remaining blocks FLEX value and chart controls
- Added - Deadzone to throttle calibration for reverse on axis throttles
- Added - Freighter: Way to unload the cargo. Once selected you can't unload it
- Fixed - When loading in with PAX and F and using a custom payload and pressing apply it seems to add full fuel for some reason when fuel was set to zero

Sounds Fixes/Changes
- Fixed - No change in ambient volume when FD door opened if main cabin door is open
- Fixed - Sound stage not changing when main cargo door is open
- Fixed - Spoiler sound stops after them being deployed
- Fixed - [GPWS] The time the GPWS callouts sound.
- Fixed - When BAT only sound even loops after I would guess 50 seconds 
- Fixed - FCU knob and button sounds not present anymore 
- Fixed - Wind noise seems rather inconsistent. 
- Fixed - Loop when at TOGA on the ground every 5-6 seconds 
- Fixed - Buzzsaw completely disappears as soon as behind the halfway point on the wing
- Fixed - GPWS sounds too quiet
- Fixed - When in the flight deck you can hear the flaps motor for about 1-2 seconds when they start moving, should not be able to hear them at all in flight deck
- Fixed - Can't hear the Altitude Alerter
- Fixed - Hissing point in the background noise during lower level climb out. It seems to fade in and out again 
- Fixed - When in flight with one engine shutdown and APU running you can hear that ELEC sound again even in flight 
- Fixed - Engine loop obvious at cruise
- Fixed - engine sound feedback
- Fixed - Missing sound event - CAPT/FO Oxy Test "hiss"
- Fixed - When turning on APU bleed with an entry door open (but cabin door closed) the external APU sounds seem to play in the flightdeck
- Fixed - Missing sound event - CAPT/FO Oxy Test "hiss"
- Fixed - When turning on APU bleed with an entry door open (but cabin door closed) the external APU sounds seem to play in the flightdeck

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Onko kukaan testannut tuota 1.03-päivityksen jälkeen ja onko ollut havaittavissa ongelmia? Itse ei nyt oikein ehdi, mutta tieto olisi tervetullutta. Foorumia lukaisin ja joitan juttuja saattaa olla, mutta syy niihin kenties käyttäjissä...

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Yksi lento, ei mitään ongelmia. Näkyvin/tuntuvin parannus on EFB. Kartoissa on nyt niiden numerot (esim. 10-9 ja 20-9 ovat aina aerodrome chart), niitä voi kätevästi tallettaa "nuppineuloilla" ja mikä parasta... karttaa voi nyt raahata hiirellä.

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3 tuntia sitten, Tatu Kantomaa kirjoitti:

Yksi lento, ei mitään ongelmia. Näkyvin/tuntuvin parannus on EFB. Kartoissa on nyt niiden numerot (esim. 10-9 ja 20-9 ovat aina aerodrome chart), niitä voi kätevästi tallettaa "nuppineuloilla" ja mikä parasta... karttaa voi nyt raahata hiirellä.

Kiitos - hyvä tietää ettei mitään ongelmia ole. Itse ei ole ehtinyt pihatöiden ja lämmityksen vuoksi testailemaan mutta huomenna olisi aikomus näin tehdä. Luin vain iniBuildsin foorumia ja joillakin oli erinäisiä pikkujuttuja jotka ei oikein toiminut.

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5.1.2024 at 22.42, Mikko Westerlund kirjoitti:

Pitäisi olla korjattu ko päivityksessä.


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En ymmärrä, että miksi tuota Mikon lainausta footumi tyrkyttää koko ajan kun yritän jotain kirjoittaa. Jotenkin jäänyt jumiin tuo lainaus johon otin kantaa jo jokin aika sitten.

Mutta joo - testasin 1.03:n ja hyvin toimii.

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Päivitystä taas pukkaa:


Art Fixes/Changes
- Fixed - EMER Exit Disarm light inop
- Fixed - N1 Max needle moving when it should be stationary
- Fixed - Missing flags on instruments when aircraft in C&D state
- Fixed - Pax: Crew Oxy gauges wrong, upper one should say HP
- Fixed - FO sun visor the wrong way round
- Fixed - Beacon lights flash marginally too quickly, should be once every second
- Fixed - Life vest decal not moving with chair
- Fixed - Phantom Orange Bug on EGT gauge
- Fixed - Integral light missing for ECAM display knobs

System Fixes/Changes
- Fixed - [VNAV] VNAV seems to be aiming for the FAF as the runway so the DECLL segment is too early
- Fixed - Opening CPT DH window closes the speed window, but the speed value can still be scrolled and changed
- Fixed - Block fuel totalizer only shows KG value 
- Fixed - Change POV L & POV R quickview
- Fixed - Possible to have less fuel in the aircraft when C&D
- Fixed - Unable to modify altitudes in GO AROUND PAGE
- Fixed - GPS altitude displays indicated altitude
- Fixed - Issues with entering airways
- Fixed - N2 Overspeed Pointer inop
- Fixed - Two adjustments for the C&D panel state
- Fixed - Waypoint entered in left MCDU on prog page will replicate on right MCDU
- Fixed - Some more routes where the TOC/BOD markers aren’t showing up
- Fixed - Manual selected VOR reverts to autotune - This might not be a bug
- Fixed - ECAM says VLE at gear down is 250, should say 270 as on speed tape
- Fixed - EGT starts at 84°C, should be OAT
- Fixed - Throttle goes into idle on bumpy runway

EFB Fixes/Changes
- Fixed - Auto tiller disconnect setting not saving
- Fixed - default THR setting not saving
- Fixed - Prepopulated weights always in KG
- Fixed - Door all close command missed R1
- Fixed – Oil replenishes itself between flights.

Sounds Fixes/Changes
- Fixed - ALT HLD sound switch plays when FMA mode changes 
- Fixed - GPWS callouts still a bit too quiet
- Fixed - some 1.0.3 sound feedback 
- Fixed - WX switch no sound from 2 to off
- Further sound mixing levels

Tool Tips Fixes/Changes

- Fixed - Dome Light missing TT

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20.1.2024 at 16.11, Rolf Niemi kirjoitti:

En ymmärrä, että miksi tuota Mikon lainausta footumi tyrkyttää koko ajan kun yritän jotain kirjoittaa. Jotenkin jäänyt jumiin tuo lainaus johon otin kantaa jo jokin aika sitten.

Mutta joo - testasin 1.03:n ja hyvin toimii.

Niin näytti minullakin olevan pohjalla joku vanha lainaus, kun yritin vastata tähän ketjuun. Sen sai pois kun klikkasi lainauksen yhteydessä olleesta ilmoitustekstistä. Olisikohan jokin uusi ominaisuus tullut foorumille näiden uusien popup-mainosten yhteydessä?

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15 tuntia sitten, Mikko Westerlund kirjoitti:

Niin näytti minullakin olevan pohjalla joku vanha lainaus, kun yritin vastata tähän ketjuun. Sen sai pois kun klikkasi lainauksen yhteydessä olleesta ilmoitustekstistä. Olisikohan jokin uusi ominaisuus tullut foorumille näiden uusien popup-mainosten yhteydessä?

Mulla on uBlock Origin eikä ainuttakaan mainosta missään.

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45 minuuttia sitten, Toni Määttänen kirjoitti:

Mulla on uBlock Origin eikä ainuttakaan mainosta missään.

Onhan niitä ohjelmia. En niitä täällä käytä, koska sivuja pidetään yllä juurikin näiden mainostulojen avulla, vaikka vähän ärsyttäviä joskus ovatkin.

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Ja päivitystä pukkaa

v1.0.5 of the iniBuilds A300-600R Airliner for MSFS has been released. This update addresses the LNAV issue present in 1.0.4.

This update can be downloaded via the iniManager.

- Fixed - When activating HDG mode while in PROFILE mode, PROFILE mode should stay engaged
- Fixed - ECAM says VLE at gear down is 250, should say 270 as on speed tape
- Adjusted the C&D panel state
- Fixed - [AFS] LNAV issues

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Ja lisää päivtyksiä

v1.0.6 of the iniBuilds A300-600R Airliner for MSFS has been released. This update addresses the previous bug where the AP would not follow the LNAV.

This update can be downloaded via the iniManager.

- Fixed further issues with AP not following LNAV.
- Fixed MCDU missing some sounds.
- Added custom reg and selcal options.

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Päivitystä julkaistu

v1.0.7 of the iniBuilds A300-600R Airliner for MSFS has been released. This update addresses the VS mode bug, the improved ground handling flight model and more.

Please note, a re-log in of Navigraph in the EFB may be required.

This update can be downloaded via the iniManager.


- Fixed - VS mode reset to 0 at each waypoint in FP
- Fixed - When activating HDG mode while in PROFILE mode, PROFILE mode should stay engaged and not switch to LVLChg
- Fixed - Error in HP Valve Fire Loop Test Logic
- Fixed - Sometimes scrolling a value with the Honeycomb Bravo will also have the perceived effect of increasing sim rate
- Fixed - MDA input in FMC currently limited at 8000 (increased to 22000)
- Fixed - KDEN SIDs don't insert.
- Added – Exposed V1/VR/V2 LVARS. (INI_V1_FMGS, INI_VR_FMGS, INI_V2_FMGS)
- Added - Set chocks ON and park brake OFF when loading in cold & dark

Flight Model
- Improved ground handling flight model

- Fixed – MCDU missing some sounds

- Added - Option in settings that allows refueling while engines running

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Päivitys v1.09 julkaistu

v1.0.9 of the iniBuilds A300-600R Airliner for MSFS has been released. This update addresses a few bugs relating to items such as the spoiler arming code, numbers cutting off on VOR frequencies and adds general system stability improvements.

This update can be downloaded via the iniManager.

- Update to spoiler arming code
- Fixed EFB parsing potential null value when fuel divided by 0
- APU EGT not resetting to ambient temp over time and apu fx still visible after shutdown
- Temporarily removed EFB reg/selcal in cockpit option
- AP2 doesn't disconnect through Yoke movement; but generally AP disconnects too quick from movement.
- Adjusted engine hot start and crank logic
- Fixed cut off numbers on VOR frequencies
- Fixed ALT HOLD not stopping climb from VS mode
- Fixed not able to use reverse thrust using key binds
- Fixed ADF needle jumping when signal limit reached
- General system stability improvements

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Previkkavideota tulossa olevasta PW-moottorimallinnoksesta yms, julkaistaan tänä viikonloppuna.


Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Mikael Leinonen

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PW-päivitys V1.1.0 julkaistu, saatavilla inimanagerista:thmbup:

New Features
Added – IDC modern radio panel with CPDLC and ACARS systems and sounds
Added – PW passenger and freighter variants with unique systems and engine sounds
Added - Navigraph enroute moving map functionality
Added – EFB Landing Distance calculation performance page

Bug Fixes

Added - Speed mode preselect
Added - Better VNAV profile descent implementation
Added – Now possible for FMC to not reset when changing panel state
Added - Decel mode
Added - FMC to not reset when changing panel state
Fixed - APU ECAM shutdown logic
Fixed - Throttle goes into idle on bumpy runway
Fixed - VNAV issues
Fixed - Inhibit A/THR -> MAN THR reversion during TO phase
Fixed - HYD levels not the same on OHP and ECAM
Fixed - There is no connection between compressor rotation and temperature rate in crank mode
Fixed - ND Drawing issues
Fixed - 3.00° missing in fpl during RNAV approach
Fixed - Speed constraint not taken into account
Fixed - Oil runs out even though the maintenance options is off
Fixed - APU not starting
Fixed - VS does not sync with current climb/des rate
Fixed - APPR page info doesn't clear if you have done an RNAV
Fixed - Flex derate does not modify EPR on display
Fixed – Throttle calibration issue Thrustmaster Boeing Yoke
Fixed - Throttle2_cut sets thrust to 50%, Throttle1_cut works as expected
Fixed - Inhibit A/THR -> MAN THR reversion during TO phase
Fixed - Speed mode preselect
Fixed - Temps going to -56° in cockpit/cabin after starting the descent
Fixed - AI copilot can't change transponder code
Fixed - VOR mode stays in VOR* even though the VOR track got captured
Fixed - Cannot enter custom RTE RSV, immediately changes back to default value
Fixed - ADF flickering
Fixed - Throttle goes into idle on bumpy runway
Fixed - VNAV profile descent implementation
Fixed - VNAV pathing
Fixed - Typo in aircraft.cfg files
Fixed - Throttle issue, exclusive to the Thrustmaster Boeing Yoke
Fixed - Rad alt call seems off.
Fixed - Similar to the two TCAS tests, there are also two GPWS tests
Fixed - Auto Checklist injects fuel instantly, leading to hot start, A310 checklists waits till 20% N2
Fixed - Max Pointer reset no TT
Fixed - APU oil looks to have overflowed

Added - Allow "My Flight" page to pull info from FMGS when user hand codes flights without Simbrief
Added – better EFB descriptions
Added - Realistic Door Cargo Door Speed control to settings
Fixed - Make checklists, flightplan and OFP click and draggable
Fixed - Altimeter unit always in hPa on performance page
Fixed - OFP formatting issues
Fixed - En-Route Map is possible to click the Leaflet link on the bottom right

Added – PW sounds
Added – IDC sounds
Fixed - Left engine balance not correct vs right engine from pilots seat
Fixed - No ADF/NDB identifier tone
Fixed - Abrupt change in engine sounds during start up
Fixed - Missing button sounds
Fixed - Brake fan sound remains when MSFS is not in focus
Fixed - No landing sound effect
Fixed - Sound several events
Fixed - Flaps motors too quiet in wing view
Fixed - Main Cargo Door missing sound (was there ever a sound?)
Fixed - ALT HLD sound switch plays when FMA mode changes

Fixed - Horizontal Stab not moving with THS setting
Fixed - Reverser Sleeves animation should fully extend as soon as reversers are open - Does not correlate to thrust setting
Fixed - Pallets clipping
Fixed - No integ lighting on brightness buttons IDC
Fixed - Altimeter gauge flickers
Fixed - Duplicated text on overhead
Fixed - DC Voltage gauge showing jumpy animation
Fixed - Reg decal overlap
Fixed - N2 gauge indications

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Mikael Leinonen
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Päivitys V1.1.1 julkaistu

Thank you to you all for your support, love and feedback on the PW/IDC update on the iniBuilds A300-600R airliner!

We have been working tremendously hard on fixes and improvements over the past few weeks! You will notice various changes in the product and that has come from some feedback from IRL A300-600R airliner pilots from different operators around the world.

A further note that in this update we have temporarily disabled the SEC FPLN in order to get this update out as we still have some pending work to do in this area that did not finish up in time. We did not want to hold this release up for that, and we hope to update again next week with that work wrapped up and the SEC FPLN operable once again.

Thank you for your support and have a lovely weekend!


v1.1.1 of the iniBuilds A300-600R Airliner for MSFS has been released. This update fixes lots of different items from systems, to art, sounds and more! Take a read through the extensive changelog below!

This update can be downloaded via the iniManager.


Fixed - [VNAV] When in the turn VDEV reporting low on path but ending high after turn complete 
Fixed - [SYS] When pressing N1 mode no ECAM is shown
Fixed - [ENG] OIL TEMP to not be based on EGT
Fixed - Double pressing +/- on IDC doesn't' switch between a + and -, just inserts + every time 
Fixed - [IDC] AOC Enroute - Pos Rpt unable to change fuel from KG to LBS, regardless of units selected on EFB
Fixed - [IDC] Squawk IDENT on ATC/TCAS CONTROL page doesn't send ident command to Vpilot
Fixed - F-PLN B page when RSK should take to VERT REV B page also
Fixed - [IDC]TCAS "TA ONLY" state doesn't show an indication in the TCAS control page
Fixed - [SYS] ECAM TCAS STBY memo does not appear when ALT RPTG ON
Fixed - [SYS] No Bleed air pressure indication with APU Bleed ON, ENG OFF
Fixed - [SYS] Bleed air pressure gauge gets stuck to last value when R ENG BLEED = OFF
Fixed - Can't step through ATLN/SEC F-PLNs
Fixed - BRG/DIST should be to 1 decimal place
Fixed - TO Config should read NORM FOR T/O
Fixed - TCAS showing traffic at wrong relative altitude
Fixed - STAR selection code crash
Fixed - EFIS dials (DH, FPA) can be adjusted with FCU off
Fixed - F-PLN B page wind format 
Fixed - [FMGS] Speeds in plan do not account for transition alt
Fixed - [ENG] N2 speed during crank
Fixed - Manual changes to INIT B should be big font
Fixed - Pressing GPWS switch when alert is active does not cancel warnings
Fixed - PACKS OFF Operations
Fixed - AP/AT Disconnect switches not animated via control input
Fixed - [VNAV] Aiming for CST too early 
Fixed - If a message is open on one idc, sending a message from the other messes with the message displaying IDC
Fixed - ORIG/DEST have no input sanitisation
Fixed - Switching panel button behaviour
Fixed - Should be possible to modify sps/alt/wind dir/temp directly on F-PLN
Fixed - Should be able to dial in a speed when in PROF like in the A320 for when you switch to LVL CHG or VS
Fixed - Unable to change LAT/LON with slew keys INIT A
Fixed - Navaid/REF pages
Fixed - MCDU F-PLN page additions and corrections
Fixed - IMM DESC is started with any right LSK on F-PLN page
Fixed - Des arrow is few pixels off again
Fixed - Wrong bearings on SID (FACT RWY19 TETAN 1A SID)
Fixed - Tiller getting stuck left when used via rudder axis
Fixed - [IDC] COM Presets not saving either Com1 or Com2
Fixed - Throttle locks to idle after turning off autothrust
Fixed - [SYS] CTD/Plane stops responding when deleting HOLD/Waypoint from PROC in MCDU
Fixed - Should be possible to modify sps/alt/wind dir/temp directly on F-PLN
Fixed - ENG 2 PW EGT max pointer needle doesn't move
Fixed - MCDU F-PLN page additions and corrections
Fixed - Wrong bearings on SID (FACT RWY19 TETAN 1A SID)
Fixed - PFD errors
Fixed - Oil level mismatch on PW variant
Fixed - FMS number rounding
Fixed - ANTI SKID release indicators in flight on the wheel page are missing
Fixed - Door SD Page improvements 


Fixed - Cargo compartment smoke detection switch animation issue
Fixed - APU exhaust still visible after being shut down
Fixed - Missing GPWS Landing Flaps/ Slats selector switch text
Fixed - [ART] Using the IDC panel - lose the lettering and the illumination around the ILS and VOR frequencies
Fixed - [ART][PW] Eng 2 EGT Orange Needle INOP
Fixed - [ART] Weird shadow on IGN/APU panel buttons
Fixed - EGT warning light on GE engine config lighting up at PW limits
Fixed - [ART] FO/CAPT switching lower sys indications should be boxed
Fixed - Squib emissive should be white, not amber
Fixed - [ART] FO Switching panel has red lines on buttons when CAPT side switching is set to SYS3
Fixed - Engine 1 Pylon labels mirrored
Fixed - [ART] PW Pax house livery on the nose says Freighter (600RF instead of 600R)
Fixed - [PW] Pilots Model missing from external view
Fixed - Cabin light resets when zooming out


Fixed - GPWS test plays in C&D 
Fixed - Alt alert C chord cuts off early if you rapidly adjust the alt knob on the ground
Fixed - [SOUND] Exterior view engine sounds fade in and out
Fixed - PW sounds on fuel injection
Fixed - Increase ATC COM telex volume
Fixed - RA Callouts playing on panel state change
Fixed - Horizontal Stabilizer Trim animation inverted
Fixed - Engine sounds disappear too fast on shut down
Fixed - Sound Mix Feedback


Fixed - Pax EFB has toggle catering option avail in the air
Fixed - [EFB] On-screen keyboard only shows numbers for HOPPIE field on settings page
Fixed - [EFB] Enroute map - save/retain zoom level when switching between EFB apps
Fixed - Landing calc RWY graphic units not syncing



Fixed - MSFS Checklist TOGA highlights old ATC COM button click spot
Fixed - CPT PFD brightness typo

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