Guest OldCrow

Me-262 lentelemään Eurooppaan!

3 viestiä aiheessa

Selailin eilen Suomalaisessa uusimpia ulkolaisia ilmailualan julkaisuja. Mieleeni jäi juttu, jossa kerrottiin USA:sta saapuvan Me-262:n Eurooppaan ( Saksaan ) vuoden 2006 lentonäytöskaudelle  :D. Kyseessähän on yksi yksilö niistä uustuotanto  suihku-mersuista.

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SPECIAL DELIVERIES  It's been just over a month since we posted an update, so this should get you up to speed on anything you may have missed:


White 1 will be flying the last couple of test flight hours within the next month (weather permitting). Then, following touch up paint and completion of manuals, this airplane will be ready for delivery.


Tango-Tango completed 10 hours of test flying in a mere two weeks (8/15 - 8/26). The airplane is now disassembled and ready for delivery. We are actually awaiting the completion of a new Cargolux 747 freighter by Boeing, as this jet will serve as the transport for Tango-Tango's delivery trip to Germany.


Work continues on the third jet, which is currently awaiting installation of the nose to the main fuselage. We must then install the cockpit tub and attach the wings. Before any of this can happen, we need to deliver one or both of the finished airplanes, as once the wings come out of the jig for completion of lower skins (and then being joined to the fuselage), they will take up most of the room in the hangar.

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Tuoreimmassa Ilmailussa on myös kuva tästä samasta Me 262:sta, ja juttu jossa kerrotaan koneesta ja tästä "Euroopan valloituksesta".



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