Jari Kokkonen

Kuumailmapallo onnettmuus Arizonassa

3 viestiä aiheessa

Vain tuon CNN-uutisen tietojen pohjalta: jos 8 hengen palloon lastataan 13 henkeä, joista 8 pois hyppääviä laskuvarjohyppääjiä, joitain äärirajoja saattaa olla koeteltu.

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Tiedot tarkentuu kun tutkinta etenee. Pallon valmistaja on muuttunut ja kuljetuskyky kasvanut 12-16 matkustajaan. Ylikuormaa siis ei liene ollut. Alustava raportti on odotettavissa noin kuukauden kuluttua.


The NTSB said in an update Monday the crash involved a Kubicek BB85Z hot air balloon, which hit the desert terrain after a problem with the aircraft’s envelope or balloon. Investigators originally said the balloon was a Cameron Balloons A160.

So far, federal investigators have not found any “mechanical anomalies” with the balloon. The NTSB added that investigators have collected maintenance records for the balloon and additional information on van der Walt’s flight experience. 

A preliminary NTSB report is expected to be released in about one month.

The Eloy Police Department is also investigating the hot air balloon crash. They said the aircraft lifted off with eight skydivers and five people on board who were not skydiving. According to the manufacturer’s website, the aircraft involved is rated to carry a pilot and 12-16 passengers.


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