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12 viestiä aiheessa

Johan nyt juttua riittää 737 MAX- koneiden ongelmista. FAA tutkii "Dutch roll"-ilmiötä sekä onko käytetty epämääräistä titaania joka myytiin väärennettyjä dokumentteja käyttäen.


US regulators are investigating after a Boeing 737 Max 8 flown by Southwest Airlines rocked side to side while in air, a potentially dangerous movement known as a Dutch roll.

It is one of two new inquiries involving Boeing planes that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has recently confirmed.

The agency is also involved after Boeing reported learning of potentially falsified documents used to certify titanium in its planes.

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Jos joku 737 max on dutch rolliin joutunut, niin lienee jollain tavalla rikkinäinen kone, joko aerodynaamisesti tai yaw damperin toiminnan kannalta. Niitä on kuitenkin sen verran paljon lentänyt, että olisi erikoista, jos taipumus huomattaisiin vasta nyt.

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Kuitenkin FAA vaivautuu tutkimaan.

Aihe tuntuu olevan median mieleen. Seuraava uutinen tuli jo: Uusi whistleblower Sam Mohawk, joka työskentelee Boeingin laatuvarmistuksessa, väittää Boeingin piilotelleen laadultaan kyseenalaisia osia ja "hukanneen" ne kirjanpidossa yrittäen piilottaa ne FAA:lta väärentäen dokumentit.



A current Boeing employee claims that the company tried to shield broken or out-of-specification 737 Max plane parts from regulators and lost track of them, according to a Senate subcommittee investigation made public Tuesday.

Boeing tried to hide the nonconforming parts from Federal Aviation Administration regulators by moving them out of sight and falsifying records, claims Sam Mohawk, the new whistleblower who works for Boeing quality assurance unit in Renton, Washington. Boeing was unable to account for many of the parts that it moved around to skirt regulators, and they probably ended up getting installed in some planes, Mohawk said.

Boeing said it received the report from Congressional investigators Monday evening.

“We are reviewing the claims,” said the company’s statement.

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Lisää tuoreita pikku-uutisia Boeing 737:istä.

Kipinät lentelivät (ks. video)


A Malaysia Airlines flight from Hyderabad, India, to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, had to return shortly after takeoff on Thursday night.

A video taken from inside the aircraft, posted by The Straits Times, showed its engine on fire with sparks flying out behind it.

The fire broke out 15 minutes after the plane took off, per The Straits Times.

"Low altitude alert"


Just after midnight on Wednesday, a Boeing 737-800 en route to Oklahoma City from Las Vegas was cleared to land at Will Rogers World Airport, according to The Oklahoman. The plane proceeded to lose altitude at an astonishing rate, passing a mere 525 feet above Yukon High School, triggering low-altitude alerts at the airport and sending terrified locals outside to investigate the chaos.

"Southwest 4069, low altitude alert. You good out there?" the air traffic controller inquired, per LiveATC’s archive of transmissions.

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Spirit AeroSystems pilkotaan, AIrbuskin saanee osansa. Jokohan Boeing saa pakettinsa kuntoon?


Spirit AeroSystems liitetään kokonaan Boeingin kaupallisten liikennelentokoneiden tuotantoon sekä laatu- ja turvallisuusjärjestelmiin. Toimella pyritään nostamaan Boeingin tuotteiden laatua ja turvallisuutta sille tasolle, jolla sen kuuluu olla.


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Suurempia huolia tulossa? USA:n oikeusministeriö on lähteiden mukaan päättänyt nostaa rikossyytteet Boeingia vastaan petoksesta kahden kuolonuhreja vaatineen lento-onnettomuuden takia ja vaatia Boeingia tunnustamaan syyllisyytensä tai muuten aloitetaan oikeudenkäynti.


The U.S. Justice Department will criminally charge Boeing with fraud over two fatal crashes and ask the planemaker to plead guilty or face a trial, two people familiar with the matter said on Sunday.

The Justice Department planned to formally offer a plea agreement to Boeing later in the day, which includes a financial penalty and imposition of an independent monitor to audit the company's safety and compliance practices for three years, the sources said.

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Boeing on käyttänyt romutettavaksi tarkoitettuja osia tuotannossa.


Beginning in the early 2000s, Meyers says that for more than a decade, he estimates that about 50,000 parts “escaped” quality control and were used to build aircraft. Those parts include everything from small items like screws to more complex assemblies like wing flaps.

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Seppo Koivisto
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18/06/2024 at 20.49, Tatu Koiranen kirjoitti:

Jos joku 737 max on dutch rolliin joutunut, niin lienee jollain tavalla rikkinäinen kone, joko aerodynaamisesti tai yaw damperin toiminnan kannalta. Niitä on kuitenkin sen verran paljon lentänyt, että olisi erikoista, jos taipumus huomattaisiin vasta nyt.

FAA on luokitellut dutch roll-tapauksen onnettomuudeksi ja tilanteessa lentokoneelle syntyi melkoisia vaurioita (substantial damage). Syylliseksi ilmeisesti esitetään viallinen/vahingoittunut PCU eli power control unit.


The FAA reported: "AIRCRAFT EXPERIENCED A DUTCH ROLL, REGAINED CONTROL AND POST FLIGHT INSPECTION REVEALED DAMAGE TO THE STANDBY PCU, OAKLAND, CA." and stated the aircraft sustained substantial damage, the occurrence was rated an accident.

The aircraft remained on the ground in Oakland until Jun 6th 2024, then positioned to Everett,WA (USA), ATS facilities, and is still on the ground in Everett 6 days later.

Dutch Roll is a coupled out of phase movement of the aircraft as result of weakened directional stability (provided by the vertical tail and rudder), in which the aircraft oscillates around its vertical as well as longitudinal axis (coupled yaw and roll).

The PCU is the power control unit, an actuator controlling the (vertical) rudder.

On Jun 13th 2024 The Aviation Herald learned that two ribs, that the stand by PCU is being mounted to, were damaged as well as the mounts of the stand by actuator. A temporary repair was done in Oakland replacing the damaged PCU, the aircraft was then ferried to Everett to replace the damaged ribs.

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NTSB:ltä kiireellinen suositus 737NG:n ja 737 MAX:in peräsimen jumittumisesta:

"The NTSB is investigating a Feb. 6, 2024, incident in which the rudder pedals on a United Airlines Boeing 737-8, a MAX variant, were “stuck” in their neutral position during the landing rollout at Newark Liberty International Airport, Newark, New Jersey."

"NTSB investigators tested one of the rudder control components from the incident airplane, a rollout guidance actuator, at the component’s manufacturer, Collins Aerospace. When the incident actuator and an identical unit from another airplane were tested in a cold environment, the actuators’ function was significantly compromised."

Mikäs tuo "rollout guidance actuator" oikeastaan on?


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FAA:n SAFO dokumentti tapauksesta selittää tuon näin:


The RRGA provides rudder inputs during landing rollout, where directional guidance is provided by the autoflight system after touchdown on CAT IIIB equipped airplanes. The airplane was equipped with the RRGA, but not 
electrically connected to the Digital Flight Control System (DFCS).

Jos nyt oikein tuon ymmärrän, RRGA pitää koneen kiitotiellä nollanäkyvyydessä tehdyn automaattilaskeutumisen jälkeen. 

Tapauksen koneessa järjestelmä ei ollut aktiivinen, mutta "vika" laatuaan mekaaninen.


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