Rolf Niemi

iFly Boeing 737 MAX8

3 viestiä aiheessa

En tiedä, mitä uutta Fenix on tuomassa ja toistaiseksi tuntuu siltä, että ensimmäisessä luomuksessa on riittävästi bussia, mutta tämä iFlyn tuote kiinnostaa ja jos se on toimiva lisäosa, niin hankintaan taitaa mennä. Julkaisun jälkeen on toki luettava kaikki mahdollinen kritiikki puolesta ja vastaan. FSX:ssä minulla oli iFlyn 737-xxx ja oli hyvä kone silloisen näkemyksen mukaan.



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**We are now releasing version 1.0.0.** This announcement replaces the previous one from a few days ago. The changelog is also replaced.

First, we would like to thank everyone who has contributed to helping us advance the product. We apologize for some delays in getting the next build out to you, however, we believe the delay comes with some benefits. In developing a complex aircraft such as the MAX8, along with the platform of MSFS, it is beneficial to tackle other elements when fixing one. The list has now grown to over 130 features or fixes added. Note that after MSFS 2024 is released, we will begin researching compatibility. We will not have a timeline on MSFS compatibility until some time after MSFS 2024 is released.

**Important: Before installing, make sure you follow these instructions, as a complete product replacement is required:**

1. Make sure MSFS and the iFly Plugin is not running.
2. Press "Manage Product" in the main screen, then select the "Open Data Folder". Manually DELETE all the content, including the “work” folder.
3. Press “Uninstall”
4. Make sure the MAX8 is deleted from your “Community” folder.

The iFly Manager has been updated. We recommend you update that first by going to

We will be shortly adding he product to the main Flight1 site shortly.

The changelog for 1.0.0 will be in the next 2 posts below.@everyone


**Changelog for 1.0.0:**

1. PFD barber pole wrong texture
2. MSFS mouse interaction style, some switches are not normal
3. VSD drawing terrain out of bounds
4. Added inhibit of joystick/yoke and throttles
5. Throttle Partial and Total Inhibit options added
6. ND & MFD pages swap redraw is now simulated.
7.  GEN power source cycle causes Dome light and 6-packs to flicker.
8. The FEEL DIFF PRESS Light On Too Long
9. Oxygen test colour invalid. It's Grey. Should be yellow
10. When the start switch is put to GRD it takes about 2 to 3 seconds for the start valve open alert to illuminate but it comes on instantly in iFly
11. High Speed Tape on PFD - Incorrect small dots, real ones are bigger.
12. Stall stick shaker has no animation
13. LNAV Overshoot
14. Engine spool rate adjusted. (within < 3% to real engine) Thank you Tim Long.
15. Setting total PAX in EFB may cause some PAX values to exceed the maximum value
16. Adjusted PAX station positions for enhanced CG% accuracy.
17. Plugin tool adds the function of specifying MSFS installed package path
18. Plugin close/exit and minimize to systray logic adjusted. New pop-up message added on closing.
19. Corrected the flap limit text error on the landing gear panel,
20. Corrected the cabin window visor texture error,
21. Corrected the cockpit eyebrow window texture error,
22. Corrected some cockpit wall texture errors,
23. Corrected the door indicator panel light text error,
24. Corrected the fuel panel light text error
25. Optimized the model and texture effect of the MCP digital window
26. Optimized the Overhead Panel textures,
27. Optimized the texture effect of the external emergency evacuation lighting
28. iFly Manager has a "Close Plugin" option if it did not gracefully shut down on its own.
29. iFly Manager - changed the "Manage Order" button to "Manage Product"
30. iFly Manager - other fixes to help during peak traffic periods.
31. iFly Manager – no longer opens iFly Plugin after install (to avoid confusion and to get folks used to using it as designed).
32. iFly Plugin – No longer minimizes to tray instead of closing.
33. Go around N1
34. FMC EXEC Light
35. The white NAV light on the winglet is abnormal in colour when not in VC view
36. Small visual niggles 
37. Door animation problem
38. Engine fan animation showing when stopped on the ground, conflicts with another product
39. Corrected some obvious corners of the sun visor track model, 
40. corrected the mirror image of the co-pilot remote control stick label text map, 
41. moved the click area of the safety belt of the four doors to the hook position, 
42. optimized the animation of the wing, 
43. adjusted the width of the middle column of the windshield, 
44. the light leakage of the luggage rack of the 19/20 row seats, 
45. adjusted the overall size of the sun visor
46. FIX data not cleared after landing
47. Adjusted EGT cooling rate after engine shutdown
48. Corrected the direction of water droplets on the glass of the four overwing emergency exit doors
49. Fixed the problem of wings disappearing at certain angles
50. LVL CHG/VNAV CLB/DES will deviate significantly from the command speed and then correct back
51. SPD REST cannot input altitude data alone
52. wrong trim wheel position, 90 degrees appose 
53. WXR button text backlight correction for co-pilot EFIS
55. Gaps in legs on PLN page -- oceanic
56. Trim wheel sound modified
57. LNAV S Turns occurrence reduced
59. Hydraulic pumps output
60. Place-Bearing/Place-Bearing possible
61. VNAV Speed when taking flaps
62. APP Button not De-selectable if Only VOR/LOC is Armed
63. Elapsed time
*continued from above*
64. Manual Control Input Results in AP Disconnect AND FMA Mode Blanking (Both single AP and dual AP have been tested, no bugs were found)
66. PROGRESS PAGE,corrections
67. INIT REF / PERF PAGE,corrections
68. FMC IDENT,corrections
69. VSD,corrections 
70. FLIGHT & VOICE RECORDER test, corrected
71. ENGINE & CARGO FIRE TEST,self-test delay added
74. Extending the Flaps should decrease the HYD QTY Sensed on SYS B0
75. Sound Updates; fixed fuel pumps and flaps being inaudible for some
76. rebalanced exterior fuel and hyd pumps
77. improved ground roll sounds
78. added slat drag audible in cabin mostly
79. general minor sound fixes
80. GW ENTRY INHIBITED option is not working
81. Update nosewheel steering logic
82. The cabin entrance lights were still on when the cabin is cold
83. HYD system not simulated/not working correctly
84. Engine out cruise page inaccurate max altitude
85. definition of the VR perspective added to camera.cfg VR user need to test
86. Parking Brakes Simple and Realistic Mode adjusted. See FAQ section for more details 
87. Runway Turnoff Lights do not illuminate ground, Fixed
88. FIX Info Page other RWYs of Arrival / Dep Airport cannot be selected
89. Changing Thrust Limit on N1 Page changes Thrust Lever Position
90. FO/Right EFB (I only found that FO EFB could not load the airport map, and I did not find other problems)
91. Adjusted DU colours according to supplied values.
92. Added Emergency exit lighting to the cabin
93. Added eGPU connected FWD & AFT Dim Entry Lights
94. Corrected background floodlight – throttle quadrant
95. Reduced MAP & Chart Lights initial intensity 
96. Added Bow Motoring Lvar’s
97. DEP/ARR panel freeze (KLAX, KONT, DTTJ, ENGM) resolved
98. AP Speed predictions / Selection on Descent Fixed
99. red line does not disappear from the EGT gauge after engine start. Fixed
100. BOW motoring extended by 30%
101. EGT adjusted to Ambient temp when cold
102. Multiple Magenta route line issues resolved
103. upper limit of the glide slope warning has been raised from 300ft to 1000ft.
104. ILS freq operating both rwy directions rollout localizer logic improved
105. Rollout improved 
106. QNH added to Descent / Forecast page
107. VIA intersections on Route page not being calculated
108. Pilots randomly vanish, fixed
109. Missing rear position white lights LED’s added.
110. Throttle Partial and Total Inhibit options added
111. ND & MFD pages swap redraw is now simulated.
112. GEN power source cycle causes Dome light and 6-packs to flicker.
113. When the start switch is put to GRD it takes about 2 to 3 seconds for the start valve open alert to illuminate
114. LNAV S-Turn occurrences reduced
115. Parking Brakes Simple and Realistic Mode adjusted. See FAQ section for more details
116. Runway Turnoff Lights do not illuminate ground, Fixed
117. CVR Button colours wrong way around
118. Auto Trim option cannot be disabled
119. Minimum maneuver speed displayed too soon on speed-tape during take-off.
120. Incorrect timing for N1 activation on take-off with VNAV
121. LNAV struggling and strange segment redraw
122. Stab trim position of outside model not matching trim indicator inside
123. Mach Number in Speed Window should not show leading "0."
124. Changing Runways does not delete TO Speeds
125. VHF DATA should only be possible on VHF3
126. Click Sound of DU brightness knob removed
127. VNAV page target speed should set in background under speed intervention
128. OAT DISAGREE ALERT - V SPEEDS not deleted
129. AT does not engage if unaspirated TAT probe option is selected when starting airborne
130. EFB v-speed “nan” issue resolved
131. And fixed multiple items that did not made it into the change-log

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Mikael Leinonen
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Justiinsa asentelen - melkoinen lista ja toivoa sopii, että toimii ainakin yhtä hyvin kuin 0.25-versio. Tein tuossa aikaisemmin Windowsin asennuksen siten, että säilytin kaikki ohjelma-asennukset kun tuntui, että kaikki ei välttämättä toiminut oikein. 4 vuotta tuolla vanhalla alkuperäisellä tuli mentyäkin. Toki täysin puhdas olisi aina paras vaihtoehto, mutta se taas simumaailmassa on melko aikaa vievä projekti.

Kun ennen lähes kaikki oli levyillä niin homma sujui melko juoheasti simun asennuksia myöden ja FSX-aikoina tuo tuli tehtyä joitakin kertoja ilman sen suurempaa tuskaa, mutta nyt olisi ladattavaa melko paljon. Tosin simun osalta tuon mahtavan latausrumban voi välttä tekemällä joitakin ns. backuppeja - näin olen lukenut ja YouTubesta vilkaissut.

No joo - nyt on koko latausjuttu valmis lentokenttiä myöden ja ei kun testaamaan...

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