Erkki Mikola

Ilmailuhistoriaa vuodelta 1919

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I am please to announce that I have added a new article to my website. It is about called "Mr Batts flies in Norway" and is a description of the flights that the American pilot Carl Truman Batts made through Norway in May 1919. He used an imported Curtiss MF Seagull and was joined by the Scandinavian representative of Curtiss, John M Larsen. Latter was later responsible for the import of Junkers J 13 Typ F (in USA known as JL-6).


We would be interested to receive more information about the flights performed in Stockholm, Helsinki and Tallinn in June 1919.


Follow this link and enjoy reading:


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Kind regards

Rob Mulder





Ja ote tuosta artikkelista: "We know that the Curtiss MF Seagull flew to Helsinki later, but this part fells outside the context of this article. We will deal with this part of the trip later. Just some information: Five days later he arrived in Helsinki (Finland) and continued to Tallinn in Estonia (arrival 6 June). He returned to København on 15 June. Later (10 July) he made a trial flight on the air route Stockholm – Göteborg – Kristiania. "


Eli jos joku tietää jotakin mr Battsin Suomen visiitistä v. 1919, niin Rob Mulder varmaan ilahtuu...


kts. myös


Edit: Pikkuisen surffailin aiheen perässä, ja löysin mm. tällaisen sivun missä kerrotaan lennonopettaja ja silmukkamestari Battsista: "Carl Batts, who had taught Paul Culver to fly the land machine, was chosen to fly it and he looped and rolled at a rate we had never seen before. Those swift planes could fly 120 miles an hour and maneuver with lightning speed. "


Ja ranskalaisesta ihmekone "Spadista" kerrotaan täälläkin



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