Juha Paulavuo

Kiinasta kilpailija Empulle - ARJ21

84 viestiä aiheessa

Lainaus käyttäjältä: Samuli Niemi - 08.01.08, 21:41

Kuinka moni uskaltautuisi moisen kyytiin? Vaikka tuo nyt perustuukin kunnon koneeseen, niin vähän kyllä epäillyttäisi. Tongue

Aika outo väite, perustelut  :P?





No itseäni kyllä ainakin epäilyttää sen verran, että en ainakaan tule pitkään aikaan, jos ikinä astumaan kiinalaiseen (taikka venäläiseen koneeseen samoinkaan) lentokoneeseen.

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Viime aikoina on muuten rysäytetty tonttiin myös Amerikassa, Brasiliassa, Euroopassa ja Kanadassa valmistettuja liikennelentokoneita. Tuollaisen ennakkoluulon perusteella ei siis voisi oikeastaan astua minkäänlaiseen liikennelentokoneeseen  :-\

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Itse kyllä voin astua mm. Airbusiin ja Boengiin. Ja voin väittää, että on monia ihmisiä, joita ei helposti saa kiinalaiseen koneeseen, varsinkin, kun suurin osa lentomatkaajista ei tiedä lentämisestä juuri mitään, ja lentämiseen liittyy monia pelkoja ja epätietoisuuksia.

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Mä en oikein ymmärrä esimerkiksi Karrin kommentointia kiinalaiseen koneeseen astumisesta ..

Ainakin oman kokemuksen mukaan, kiinalaiset tuotteet (tarkoitan tässä autoja, prätkiä) ovat suuri osa kovin luotettavia. Kiina on kuitenkin maa jolla on paljon samantyyppistä teollisuutta. Ja kuten joku juuri kommentoikin, Kiinalla tähän riittää resursseja. Joten itse kyllä astuisinkin oikein mielelläni kiinalaiseen koneeseen, miksi ei ? olisi kiva myös kuulla väittämälle perusteita?

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Valmistusongelmia kerrotaan olevan Kiinassakin ja ARJ21-ohjelma saattaa viivästyä. Ongelmia on väitteiden mukaan ilmennyt siipien rasituskokeissa ja avioniikkalaitteiden yhteensopivuudessa.


In interviews with executives from three different technology suppliers working with Commercial Aircraft Corp of China (Comac) CMAFC.UL to develop passenger jets, Reuters has learned that various tests over the past two years have identified flaws in the ARJ21's wings, wiring and computer systems.


During a stress test in mid-2010, the wings of the ARJ21 broke, or "cracked" in one executive's description, before the pressure applied reached regulatory norms.


In further examinations conducted last year, the avionics system -- the brain of the plane -- failed at times to work properly, highlighting what one of the three suppliers executives described as a "system integration problem." Faults in the wiring were also discovered in those tests, according to the supplier executives.



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ARJ21 myöhästyy edelleen. Nyt ensimmäiset käyttäjät saanevat koneen vasta ensi vuonna.




Comac's ARJ21 regional jet is unlikely to receive certification until at least late next year, according to sources.


This means the programme, which started about 11 years ago and originally had first delivery scheduled for 2007, will again be delayed.


At Airshow China in Zhuhai in 2012, chief designer Chen Yong said the aim was for the ARJ21 to receive certification from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) in the first half of 2013, and to deliver the jet to launch customer Chengdu Airlines in 2014. Thereafter, it could take up to two years before the aircraft was validated by the US Federal Aviation Administration, he added.


Progress, however, has been slow, because the inexperienced airframer continues to work with the CAAC, which is certificating a commercial jet for the first time, and is unfamiliar with the process, sources say.

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Jep, MD-90/717:n jatkokehitelmä uusin moottorein ja siivin. Mutta äkkiä en löytänyt lähdeviitettä, että onko tuo kopiointi ihan luvan kanssa vai kiinaistyyppisesti vain "kunnianosoitus" hienolle mallille (= kiinalaiset eivät paljoa välitä). MD:llä ja kiinalaisilla oli kyllä yhteistyötä aikanaan, tosin sieltä valmistui vain kaksi MD-90:a.


Ja moottori on itseasiassa GE CF34 jota ei ole busseissa, mutta Empuissa ja CRJ:ssä kylläkin. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Electric_CF34




edit: Tässä artikkelissa juttua: http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/trunkliner-techniques-return-for-arj21-216288/


Eli MD-90 -projektin työkaluja ja oppeja käytetään ARJ21:ssa, siksi niin samanlainen. Mutta mitä McD/Bojo tuosta aikanaan on tykännyt, ei lue..

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Comacin toiveissa on saada ensimmäiset ARJ21-koneet toimitettua vuoden 2014 loppuun mennessä Chengu Airlinesille, joka on koneen ensitilaaja. Noin 70% vaadituista koelennoista on tehty.




Comac is targeting to get its ARJ21 regional jet certified next year, and thereafter, deliver the aircraft to launch customer Chengdu Airlines by the end of 2014.


The Chinese airframer says that the jet’s certification process has been moving forward as planned, and that a series of major tests were completed this year. These include high risk and critical modules such as the minimum unstick speed tests, stall tests and high crosswind flight tests.


At the Aviation Expo in Beijing, the airframer also disclosed that after many challenges, the programme has finally completed tests for the emergency release of the aircraft’s landing gear. This is a segment that has “haunted the project” for the last three years because of the technical problems encountered.


In total, the four ARJ21 flight test aircraft have completed more than 2,000 flights totalling some 4,000 hours, and covered about 70% of the necessary flight tests.


Sources say that there are no “major issues” with the development of the jet and that representatives from the US Federal Aviation Administration, which is conducting a shadow certification process alongside the Civil Aviation Administration of China’s (CAAC) certification process, will fly on the ARJ21 during tests in the coming months. This will be a show of confidence that the aircraft is safe, they add.



Ja samaan syssyyn suurempi C919 on etenemässä pikkuhiljaa, ensilennon arvaus edelleen 2015:




The Chinese airframer says the C919 has now entered into “the most critical stage of engineering development” as detailed design continues. Aircraft structural data has also been distributed and parts and components manufacturing are now “in full swing” across at least five different Chinese cities.

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ARJ21 myöhästyy jälleen, käyttöönottoa veikataan ensi vuoden alkupuolelle.  ...valmista piti olla jo 8 vuotta sitten, eli Bussin ja Bojon pikku parin vuoden viiveet on aika pientä.





The Comac ARJ21 regional jet project has been delayed again, with the aircraft now due to enter service in April or May 2015, eight years later than scheduled early in the program and 13 years after development began.


The first operator, Comac subsidiary Chengdu Airlines, will receive its initial unit from the manufacturer late this year or early next year, says Luo Ning, the carrier’s deputy general manager. After that, further preparations will be made before operations begin in April or May, Luo tells local media.


The ARJ21 has probably been delayed more times than even Comac can count. As recently as last August, the first delivery was due in June of this year. When full-scale development began in April 2002, the first delivery was due in 2006, although within weeks that target had been shifted to 2007.


Among the more recent problems, an unexpectedly high landing weight forced a redesign of the landing gear by supplier Liebherr. Before that, the ARJ21’s mainplane failed its ultimate load test and needed redesign.


Comac says it completed the first two ARJ21s for Chengdu Airlines in late December. Aircraft MSN 103, meanwhile, has completed cold weather tests in Inner Mongolia, with temperatures as low as minus 43.2C. That included operation of the ram-air turbine in those conditions. Tests with unit MSN 104 to confirm the ARJ21’s high-speed characteristics are also complete, says Comac. Those tests included determination of out-of-trim characteristics and buffeting properties, including flight at the buffet boundary.

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Comac rakentaa ARJ21-koneille nykyisen lisäksi toisenkin tuotantolinjan, jonka avulla tuotantokapasiteetti tulee nousemaan 50 koneeseen vuodessa, mihin kuitenkin menee arviolta vielä vuosi tai kaksi. Comac aikoo saada konetyypin sertifioitua vuoden loppuun mennessä ja aloittaa toimitukset pian sen jälkeen. Koneesta on nyt 258 tilausta.


A Comac official tells Flightglobal the existing assembly line is designed for the production of 20 aircraft annually, while the new line will have the capability to produce 30 aircraft. This gives Comac a combined capacity to produce 50 ARJ21s annually. The manufacturer is targeting to have its ARJ21 certificated by the end of 2014, and deliver the first operational aircraft to launch customer Chengdu Airlines shortly thereafter. It has received commitments for 258 ARJ21s.



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Ensimmäisen ARJ21-"Xiangfeng"-koneyksilön toimitus Chengdu Airlinesille on tapahtunut tänään, noin 10 vuotta alkuperäisistä suunnitelmista myöhässä. Koneen nimitys "Xiangfeng" tarkoittaa lentävää fenixlintua. - Intian median mukaan konetyypillä olisi myös FAA-sertifiointi, mutta tälle en ole löytänyt vahvistusta. Wall Street Journalin asiaa käsittelevä artikkeli on ikävä kyllä maksumuurin takana.


China's first commercial regional aircraft, the ARJ21, was delivered today. The passenger plane, produced by the Shanghai-headquartered Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China (COMAC), was bought by Chengdu Airlines, Xinhua reported.


Xiangfeng (Flying Phoenix) is a 90-passenger capacity twin-engine jet, with a standard range of 2,220 kms. It is expected to ply busy routes such as Chengdu-Beijing and Chengdu-Shanghai.


COMAC has received more than 300 orders from 19 airlines, including three from the Republic of Congo. The plane is China's first regional jet to be manufactured according to international standards.




EDIT: tämänpäiväisen uutisen mukaan FAA ei ole vielä sertifioinut ARJ21:tä:


It has not yet been granted certification by the US Federal Aviation Administration, which will limit its access to overseas markets.




EDIT 2: Pari kuvaa koneen vastaanottotilaisuudesta Chengdun kentällä noin 3 tunnin siirtolennon jälkeen:



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Ensimmäinen kaupallinen ARJ21-lento saattaa lopultakin tapahtua vielä kesäkuun aikana, muttei tämäkään ole 100 % varmaa.


Chengdu Airlines (EU, Chengdu) could, after a seven month wait, commence regular ARJ21-700 passenger operations on June 28 the China Aviation Daily has reported quoting confidential sources.



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Ensimmäinen kaupallinen ARJ21-lento saattaa lopultakin tapahtua vielä kesäkuun aikana, muttei tämäkään ole 100 % varmaa.





ARJ21:n ensimmäinen kaupallinen lento on tapahtunut tänään, eli juuri ja juuri kesäkuun aikana. Chendu Airlinesin kone lensi edestakaisen Chengdu-Shanghai-välin.


China's first home-grown passenger jet in forty years, the ARJ21-700, made its commercial debut on Tuesday, June 28, with a return flight between Chengdu and Shanghai Hongqiao.


B-3321 (cn 106) is the first of thirty Chengdu Airlines (EU, Chengdu) has on order from COMAC



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Kiinalaiset haluavat nyt mainita senkin, että ARJ21-700 on suorittanut 2 ja puoli tuntia kestäneen "lennon vesialueen yläpuolella trooppisessa meri-ilmastossa". Konetyyppi on osoittautunut soveltuvaksi korkeisiin lämpötiloihin, kosteuteen ja (lento)korkeuksiin.

Tässä vaiheessa koneella operoi kolme kiinalaista yhtiötä, eli Chengdu Airlines, Genghis Khan Airlines ja Urumqi Air.


China's first domestically-made regional jetliner, the ARJ21-700, completed its first manned overwater demonstration flight in southern China's island province of Hainan on Tuesday.

An ARJ21-700 aircraft took off from Haikou Meilan International Airport and landed in the airport after a two-and-half-hour flight, showcasing its operational capacity in the tropical marine climate

So far, it has completed flights between dozens of domestic airports, demonstrating its adaptability to extreme conditions, such as high temperatures, high humidity, and high altitude.

So far, the aircraft has been operated by three Chinese airlines, Chengdu Airlines, Genghis Khan Airlines, and Urumqi Air.


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ARJ21:lle on avattu toinen tuotantolinja Pudongiin, ja ensimmäinen sieltä valmistunut koneyksilö on suorittanut onnistuneen koelennon:


ARJ21 AC132, the first ARJ21 aircraft of Pudong production line, completes its first production flight test at Pudong Airport on March 6th, 2020, marking that the second production line of ARJ21 aircraft – Pudong production line – has completely gone through all the links from subassembly to final assembly and production flight test.

ARJ21 AC132 took off from Pudong Airport at 7:40 and landed at 11:30 after a flight of 3 hours and 50 minutes, indicating a successful completion of the first production flight test.


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