Guest Andrey Tsvirenko

Please help with Saab Safir...

48 viestiä aiheessa

4. Cockpit heating, Pull-on, push-off

5. Windshield heating, Pull-on, push-off

6. If manifold (turbo pressure?) pressure is lower than 0,5 ATA, avoid 2250-2550 r/min

7. Up-on, down-off

8. Flyinglights - blinking

9. Push-rich, pull-lean, Idle shutdown-pull


Project looks great!



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Thank you guys! you are pretty fast  ::)  What is 7 "FLUX-VALVE" sorry put the number bit wrong...and probably someone know where is stall indicator in that machine ? I thought 8 is...



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Some terms corrected


1. Navigation lights


3. Parking brake - Pull

4. Cockpit heating, Pull-on, push-off

5. Windshield heating, Pull-on, push-off

6. If manifold pressure is lower than 0,5 ATA, avoid 2250-2550 r/min

7. Flux-Valve Up-on, down-off (Flux-Valve is a compass with electronic sensors located in the wing, designed to automatically correct normal 15 degree/hour drifting in the directional gyro)

8. Navigation lights - blinking (indicator)

9. Push-rich, pull-lean, Idle shutdown-pull


By the way, where number 9 is located in the cockpit?

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  5/22/2006 at 22.47, Jouni Laukkanen kirjoitti:

By the way, where number 9 is located in the cockpit?


Lower the throttle and prop levers, bit left from clock...


Sorry for my English really hope it's  clear :)



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  5/22/2006 at 22.54, Andrey Tsvirenko kirjoitti:

Lower the throttle and prop levers, bit left from clock...


Sorry for my English really hope it's  clear :)




Then number 9 is Mixture Control

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Some elementary Finnish, as applied to these markings:


"ON" comes from the verb "Olla", = to be, meaning "Yes, it is on". Just happens to mean the same as "ON" in English.


"EI" is simply "No". Meaning "No, it is not on".


The big "S" in the mixture control knob comes from the word "seos", = Finnish for "Mixture".


What still bothers me is AS.VALO. Valo=light, but AS?? Could it mean asematasovalo = apron light/taxi light?


About the stall warning system of the Safir I have no idea, unfortunately.

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Wow, that´s a good picture!


Any explanation, still, what the AS originally meant in Finnish? I cannot think of anything suitable.

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  5/23/2006 at 07.46, Kimmo Hantula kirjoitti:


AS. VALO = Beacon

If used on "JATKUVA" means flashing beacon

If used for morsecoding then it should be "SIGNAALI" or signal


It is quite funny, that in swedish Saab Safirs the "AS.VALO"  (number 2) is marked in english as "LANTERN". It means "lyhty" in finnish...  :)


Och "lykta" på svenska... ;)



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  5/23/2006 at 09.59, Jukka Nisula kirjoitti:

It is quite funny, that in swedish Saab Safirs the "AS.VALO"  (number 2) is marked in english as "LANTERN". It means "lyhty" in finnish...  :)


Och "lykta" på svenska... ;)




Are you quite sure now?


I looked at one of those pictures in that URL and the AS.VALO switch is clearly marked as:






Therefore, there obviously was a "Signal Lamp" for identification purposes, perhaps, with "steady light" (fast sken in Swedish) and "signal" position for transmitting light signals (perhaps even morse code, as suggested) to other aircraft or to the ground.


Interesting thread, anyway.


The photo is quite recent. And the text above the switch has clearly been modified to "BEACON" in the picture. Might be because the aircraft did not need a "signal lamp" any more and a rotating beacon has been added, as it is was already in civil registration markings when the picture was taken and civil a/c rules make a (rotating/flashing) beacon compulsory.



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  5/23/2006 at 11.49, Ilkka Mäkelä kirjoitti:

Are you quite sure now?


I looked at one of those pictures in that URL and the AS.VALO switch is clearly marked as:






Therefore, there obviously was a "Signal Lamp" for identification purposes, perhaps, with "steady light" (fast sken in Swedish) and "signal" position for transmitting light signals (perhaps even morse code, as suggested) to other aircraft or to the ground.


Interesting thread, anyway.


The photo is quite recent. And the text above the switch has clearly been modified to "BEACON" in the picture. Might be because the aircraft did not need a "signal lamp" any more and a rotating beacon has been added, as it is was already in civil registration markings when the picture was taken and civil a/c rules make a (rotating/flashing) beacon compulsory.


You can be right.


In the picture of Finnish Safir the switches in panel are from left:




In swedish picture they are also from left:




Maybe the switches are not in same order, because the swedish plane is type SAFIR 91 B, and the finnish is type D. And the whole panel is little bit different.



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  5/23/2006 at 08.26, Ilkka Mäkelä kirjoitti:

Wow, that´s a good picture!


Any explanation, still, what the AS originally meant in Finnish? I cannot think of anything suitable.

Might be "asemavalo" or position light ?

I have original saab aircraft manual at work (english), but cannot get it until next week.

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Some comments/answers:

No 1 is the switch for navigation lights. Continuous light in upper position and blinking in lower position.

No 2 is the switch for position light (asemavalo). Continuous light in upper position and signal in lower position. The signal position is used for sending messages to other aircraft or to the ground.

One light is on the upper surface of the fuselage behind the ADF antenna. Another light is on the underside of the fuselage.

No 7 is the switch for the Flux Valve which stabilates the Gyro Syncompass. If in off position or if the compass is wrongly adjusted, then you only have a Gyro compass.

No 8 is an indicator for blinking navigation lights.

Laskuvalo is landing lights, used during landing circuit.


The outside view of SF-3: The metal part of wingtips shall be painted with dayglo.

On aircraft with only one number, the number shall be on the rudder and be larger than in the actual view.

Thanks for nice views of an old friend.

Best regards, Göran

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  5/23/2006 at 15.13, Göran Bruun kirjoitti:


Some comments/answers:


No 2 is the switch for position light (asemavalo). Continuous light in upper position and signal in lower position. The signal position is used for sending messages to other aircraft or to the ground.


So it's actually the same switch and the same function, but only it will not engage (lock) when in the "down" position, and the occupant may press it down like a regular morse key?

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Hello again guys! Sorry for my freezes - a lot of work here.

Thank you for information and comments, this is really helpful!


I'm again with couple questions to you:


1 Can anyone help with photos of surrounded labels ? (as for number 1

it's just frame enough, as for number 2 photo and text is very welcome)


I have a loads of photos of SF-3 (much thanks to Mikko  Maliniemi) but

unfortunately the plane is not in great condition, that labels are





2 Does anybody know the color of gauge night highlight is red, same as

Swedish has ? or it's different ?


3 Can anyone help with photo of down wing side ? (Same with point 1 I

do not sure is any registration information written on wing down




Couple new screens here, they are still temporary probably soon pretty

final screens of Finnish Safir would be published at our site.







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Number 2 label is compulsory in all finnish aircrafts. Type of fuel and amount of it must be incicated beside refuelling cap.

In red square is text "AVGAS" and below that "100LL" written in black capitals. Unfortunately size of the fuel tanks is unknown for me, but in these civilian Safirs it is in liters.

I'm pretty sure that during Air Force service Safirs didn't have these labels.

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