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Hawker Hunter alas Hillsborossa, USA, tuhoten yhden asuintalon

1 viesti aiheessa

Yhdysvaltojen Hillsborossa on mennyt alas Hawker Hunter (vm.1951), tuhoten yhden talon täysin. Onnettomuudessa menetyi konetta lentänyt pilotti, mutta maassa olevat onnekkaasti selviytyivät ilman naarmuja. Tuhoutuneen talon perhe saapui paikalle 5 minuuttia onnettomuudesta.


Viimeiset kuvat epäonnisesta Hawker Hunterista

Video onnettomuudesta


Pilot of a bright blue Hawker Hunter (1951 vintage) took off with the intention of making a single pass before heading back home to SoCal. On takeoff his engine failed to produce full power; he was wobbling and dipping quite a lot after lifting off, apparently trying to control the aircraft on the edge of a stall. He proceeded through a right hand turn of about 180º, straightened up on course, and the engine died. It could be loss of fuel, broken pump; who knows. The Hunter slowed up and stalled, mushing in slightly short of a field the pilot probably attempted to belly-land in. It tipped right, fell off on the right wing and impacted one house. So far one house is nothing more than a cinder, though no one was home at the time of the crash. Three near-by homes (neighbors) range from slight damage, either heat or debris impact, to one entire side up in smoke. Two people were in their homes at the time of impact (given on local news as 4:28pm) but not injured.


Aircraft was not fitted with an ejection seat that functioned (FAA regs apparently) nor did the pilot elect to bail out. Local video taken at the airport shows the a good portion of the flight, including takeoff and crash



Jälleen yksi vanha kone ja näiden kunnostamisesta kiinnostunut pilotti vähemmän. :(




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