Tuomas Kuosmanen

Skandinavia Hollantilaisten silmin

16 viestiä aiheessa

"Could be difficult to find your home when you're drunk"  ;D Siinä heidän mielipide Suomalaisista Ruotsalaisista omakotialueista.

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Eipä tainneet pojat olla oikeen innoissaan maisemista.. Suomesta saivat silti selvästi paremman kuvan kuin naapuristamme!  ;D


"Could be difficult to find your home when you're drunk"  ;D Siinä heidän mielipide suomalaisista omakotialueista.


Ruotsalaisesta omakotialueesta  ;)

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If you don't like trees... don't go to Sweden

Living reindeer steak

Harmi etteivät päässeet Kittilän kentän sisälle, no tuossa ainakin muutama kuva miltä kenttä ulkoa näytti vielä muutama päivä sitten

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Juu, kyllähän se Kylmäpihlaja on.


Olen asunut elämäni ensimmäiset 20v Pyhärannassa Rauman eteläpuolella

ja aina katsellut tuota "Kylmän" valoa pimeällä rannassa. Vaikka meidän

rannasta matkaa majakalle on vain noin 10km ja käyn muuten paljon merellä,

kävin ko. saaressa ensimmäisen kerran vasta viime kesänä. Vaikka tämä jo

alkuperäisestä aiheesta vähän poikkeaakin, voisin laittaa muutaman kuvan

sieltä kunhan pääsen illalla omalle koneelle.

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Hey guys,


Have no idea what you are talking about, but I hope you like the pictures from our trip. And no we are not from Holland, we are Belgian  ;)


Kind regards,


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Hey guys,


Have no idea what you are talking about, but I hope you like the pictures from our trip. And no we are not from Holland, we are Belgian  ;)


Kind regards,



Yeah, sorry about that mistake, I always mess up the benelux countries :)


Good to have you around, do you have any information about places, clubs or tips and tricks about flying around your homeland and neighbouring countries by the way? Many finns fly to Sweden (and we just went to Pärnu and Tallinn in Estonia today) - and people do trips all the way down to Greece even, but of course local flying is the most common as it is everywhere. In any case, it would be interesting to know more about flying around your country and the neihgbouring areas.


If you visit Finland another time, maybe next year? :) it would be fun to fly along for a few legs with our own planes too.. :) I'm based in Helsinki, my signature has a link to our club - although the english content is kind of limited on our site.




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Hi Tuomas,


It was our first flight so far North and in fact not that many people from our club ever went to Scandinavia. Our original plan was to fly from Oulu to Kiruna and then on day 3 along the coast of Norway to the south. But the weather over the coast of Norway simple wasn't good enough (for us anyway). But the trip we did now was really great, you guys should be proud of such a huge, beautiful country (and you probably are).


I can imagine why everybody wants to fly to Sweden with those cheap fuel prices !


In Belgium fuel prices are more or less the same as in Finland. Germany is 15% more expensive and The Netherlands is also the same as Belgium (at least last time I went there). Compared to Scandinavia, Belgium doesn't have that much to offer landscape wise. Although we do have the Ardennes in the South-East.


I fly from EBOS (Ostend) and EBUL (Ursel), if you are ever planning a visit to the south and want to fly through Belgium, then you are certainly welcome in Ostend. The airfield is very close to Brugge, an historic city which offers lots of very good restaurants. Send me a message and I'll arrange something if you like.


For the time being, we have no plans to fly North again, although I would really like to see the Norwegian fjords one day. We are not sure yet where we will go next year (we do one "big" 4/5-day flight per year) but we were thinking about going to the UK (especially Scotland) and Ireland. Less hours of flying but more sight seeing...


Kind regards,



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Kind regards,


Björn,You are wellcome to fsnordic. If You have pictures about aviation in Belgium, it would be nice to see them here!

Kind regards/ Heikki

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