Juha Paulavuo

Halpayhtiöt suunnittelevat yhteisyritystä

8 viestiä aiheessa

Virgin, EasyJet ja Air Asia ovat tietojen mukaan aloittamassa yhteistyötä kaukolentojen tarjoamiseksi lo-co periaatteella pistämällä pystyyn yhteisen lentoyhtiön. Yhteisyhtiö aloittaisi toimintansa tarjoamalla lentoja Kuala Lumpurista Manchesteriin ja Intian Amritsariin. Yhteistyö antaisi EasyJetille pääsyn Kuala Lumpurin halpalentoterminaaliin ja tarjoaisi näin mahdollisuuden lentoihin Australiaan.



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UK airlines deny Air Asia tie-up 


UK airlines Easyjet and Virgin have denied reports that they are to join forces with Malaysia's Air Asia in a global low-cost tie-up. 


Easyjet spokesman Toby Nicol firmly denied the speculation, saying: "We are not joining any alliance."


Virgin Atlantic spokesman Paul Charles added: "It's nothing to do with us. Air Asia clearly have their own plans and it is up to them to announce them."


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Ja huomisen tiedotuksen aiheena voi olla se, että A330 sekä 777-300 tulevat Air Asian laivastoon kaukoreiteille:


Three indivdual shareholders from AirAsia and Fly Asian Xpress (FAX) will form an alliance to start the long-haul service to London and China as early as July using three aircraft - a combination of Airbus A330s and Boeing 777-300s.


An announcement to double AirAsia's fleet would be made in the weeks ahead while on Friday AirAsia and FAX would hold a press conference at 0230 GMT regarding its long-haul ambitions, the source said


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AirAsiaX is expected to order 20 long-range aircraft shortly from either Airbus or Boeing.


A decision on whether to select the Boeing 777 or Airbus A330, an order that would be worth more than $3.6bn at list prices, could come as early as this month when the new carrier must choose its first two aircraft for operations that are scheduled to begin in mid-2007.




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